Chapter 16

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Rachel's POV:

I was lying in bed with a shirtless Zack, his arm on my bare waist. He looked peaceful, sleeping with no care in the world, as I observed him.

I felt so close to him, physically and mentally. He had kept repeating that he loved me as he kissed almost every inch of my body. I was ecstatic.

I traced his nose bridge with my fingertip as he snored lightly.

My lips curved into a warm smile.

I then touched his lower lip gently, feeling my love for him overflow as my heart pounded hard against my chest.

I felt bad waking him up. So, I gave him a slight peck before sneaking my way out of his hold to collect my clothes.

After getting dressed, I headed back downstairs to the ongoing party.

'Rachel! Where were you?', Sophie asked as she held me by my shoulders, shaking me like there was no tomorrow.

'With Zack.', I answered her truthfully as my face heated up.

'You gotta tell me all about it!', she said as her face lit up with glee.

I nodded and then asked,

'What did you do while I was gone, Soph?'

'I will tell you later.', she said smiling as her gaze wandered.

I turned around to find her eyes on Noah.

'You don't tell me!', I exclaimed.

My eyes then met her shy expression and I smiled.

Sophie in love was cute.

The following day I woke up to the best feel-good text someone could open their eyes to.

12:08 pm- Good morning beautiful.

If Zack thought by doing that he would draw a smile on my face, he absolutely wasn't wrong because I was smiling from ear to ear.

Thank you Zack for putting a smile on my face and making my everyday special and exciting.

I thought as I rose to my feet off my bed.

I walked over in lazy steps to the rectangular mirror placed on my wall.

I stood in front of it and swept my hair into a messy bun as a yawn escaped my mouth.

I then made my way to the door.

As soon as I turned the knob to my room's door open, I was met with a face I disliked: It was that woman's. She was standing in front of the door for a reason I couldn't care less to know about.

She gave me a degrading look, making me feel small.

However, I didn't let it show. I couldn't let her get a single glimpse of my weak self.

Why was she even home at this time of the day? She was rarely present whenever the sun was up. And, why did she have to pick on me when I was finally in a great mood for a change?

I let out a long sigh and tried evading her by squeezing past her figure and striding away.

When I had thought I was done with her, she spoke.

'Where do you think you're going?', she said sternly.

My steps stopped as my back faced her.

'Why do you care?', I said, rolling my eyes.

'You shouldn't talk to your mother in such a way!', she raised her voice.

'Such a mother you are.', I whispered underneath my breath.

'What did you just say?', she squeaked.

I ignored her and continued walking off. I wasn't fully awake for all that drama yet.

She then stomped out of the house, slamming the door on her way out.

It was only after she left that I noticed how quiet the house was.

Where was Dad?

I searched the house for signs of him, but there was none. So, I called his phone.

It only rang once before he answered.

'Hey, honey.', he said.

'Dad, where are you?', I asked.

'Don't worry. I am just taking a walk. The weather is quite nice today.', he said in a chirpy voice.

I smiled proudly.

Although it was frustrating that he had to leave home just because that woman was there, I was glad he was trying to change his ways. He wasn't relying on alcohol to make him feel better, but on himself.

'Rachel?', he called out over the phone as I hadn't responded yet.

'Thank you, Dad.'

It was a Monday afternoon and I was glad I wasn't spending it curing a hangover. I was so occupied with Zack at the party that I didn't get to drink a sip of alcohol. I felt glad that I didn't or else I wouldn't remember every detail as clearly as I do like the way he said he loved me, how soft his lips felt, how gentle he was with me and how electrifying the whole experience was.

As I was reliving the moment in my head, my phone rang.

I jumped at the sound and then picked my phone off the sofa beside where I was seated.

It was Zack.

My heart picked up its pace and my palms started sweating.

If I suffered from a heart attack one day, he would be the cause no doubt.

Holding on to my nervousness, I swiped the screen to answer.

'Hey, Zack.', I said.

'Hey.', he said then went silent.

I could hear my heart beat loud in my ears as he didn't speak.

'W-What's up?', I stuttered.

He then chuckled and said,

'I am sorry, this is going to sound clingy, but why didnt you answer my text?', he asked as my eyes widened.

I had completely forgotten to respond.

I was going to apologize to him when I got the brightest idea.

'Hold on.', I said as I removed the phone off my ear and opened our chat, texting,

12:51 pm- Good morning handsome.
12:51 pm- Wanna come over?

I then put the phone back on my ear, a smirk on my face as I anticipated his reaction.

I could tell he was hesitating on how to answer to that from his tongue clicking. He tended to do that whenever he was nervous. That was why I never sat next to him during quizzes or any tests in general.

I was smiling to myself at the memory when he responded with,


-----End Of Chapter 16-----

Hey guys! Hope you are enjoying my story by far! I would love to hear your opinions in the comments! Thank you so much for reading! Don't forget to vote and have a great day/night!!

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