67. the great war 🌹

Start from the beginning

"Was my husband involved?"

"No." I look at Ciro walking in. "Hello."

"Your husband can prevent it though-"

"Ciro!" I warn him.

"What?" Arabella glances at me.

"He knows who her stalker is but won't say anything unless she tells him where you are." He says, "And trust me, i feel sorry for you and all but i won't let Keilani get hurt again."

"I am going to kill you." I look at him with my eyes narrowed. I wasn't going to tell her.

"I uh..." Arabella gulps.

"I'll find him on my own, i have a whole new team helping now and even Hamada is helping so we have more-"

"I'm so sorry. You don't have to keep me a secret." She wipes her cheeks.

"I won't tell Roman shit and neither will Ciro." I look right at her, "I promise, not until you're ready."

She wipes her eyes, "He has a basement, it's hidden with a wall, he has a shelf in there that opens up to be a safe room, he keeps a lot of important information in there, it might be in there."

"I'll break in and give it a look."

"Coin, do you wanna hold one?" She asks quickly.

He washes his hands like i did and then picks up Ilaria, "The girl?" He asks.

"Yeah, her names Ilaria." Arabella stands up with Romeo, "It's nap time."

She puts them each in a different bassinet and then turns the baby monitor on, leading us into the living room. "How is Roman?"

"Fine, he's annoying me." Ciro sits down.

"Are you not in trouble with him?" She asks Ciro, turning a kettle on.

"Yeah but he won't kill me. I have too much on him and i'm the only one with enough experience to control Chicago. Plus, i have links in Italy that will cut him off if he hurts me." He shrugs.

"What about you, Keilani?" She asks.

"He won't touch me because he knows i'm more help alive than i am dead, plus i think he kind of likes me." I smile, "Anyways, sit down, no one asked for tea."

We spend the entire day catching up, leaving Ciro and the midwife with the kids while i take her shopping and pay for her stuff, i take her to get a manicure and pedicure, her hair done, a facial and massage.

She looked more relaxed as we walked back into the house. It was an even more relaxed smile whenever she seen Ciro laying across the couch with the three kids on his stomach, all of them asleep.

She smiles, "Sometimes i feel like they need a father figure in their life, last thing i want is for Ilaria to turn out like me."

I take a lot of pictures of Ciro like this, "Oh, he would happily volunteer to babysit anytime you ask." I smile.

"Will you two have kids?" She sits on the armchair, crossing her legs.

"Don't know if i can, if i can then yeah but not until i've rid Chicago of evil." I leave my crutches against the wall again.

"Would you ever adopt?"

"Can't, Ciro and I both have criminal records."

She laughs a little, "Surely there's a way you can get around that."

"Oh, one hundred percent but it's a really tricky process and usually involves trafficked children so i'd rather not." I already looked into it, "Hopefully though, i can."

We spend the night at hers, Ciro gets the biggest baby fever with Ilaria. He wants a girl.

When we leave and arrive back at his penthouse in Chicago, he cuddled up with me.

I run my fingers through his hair, "Look at how cute these are." I flick through the pictures of him, mainly with Ilaria, the smile on his face.

"She's so cute." He kisses my head.

"Isn't she." I rest my head in his neck, "Will you actually tell Roman about Arabella if we can't find whoever is doing this?"

"You mean more to me than she, or any of them babies do." He strokes my cheek with the back of his fingers, "Roman isn't pure evil, he would never hurt a child. Let alone, children that are his own. Asher and Luca would have too much to say if he tried anything. I won't let you get hurt again if i can prevent it."

"But Arabella-"

"Arabella will be fine, you won't be if this carries on." He kisses my head again, "You think i don't hear you when you're crying in the shower? Or getting all jumpy when i touch you."

"It's normal-"

"You're anxious, Keilani. You're scared to go shopping alone, you barely leave and blame it on your leg. You're scared baby, i wanna get rid of that fear."

I turn onto my side, "We should trap him, with the FBI and your men and everything. Let's do it."


"Plan it. The FBI will help, but i don't wanna live in fear and i don't want you to keep hurting random shit or picking your nails because you're angry." I pinch his nose.

"We'll go to Hamada tomorrow." He smiles softly.

"No, we have to wait until i'm better." I practically sit on top of him, "And we have to fight Roman Reign after that because he's a dick."

"Oh, that's something i can get behind." He kisses my neck, "Hm, i love you." He kisses down my shoulder, kissing the scar on his teeth.

"No sex but can we make out?" I straddle him.

"Of course." He grabs my hips, and then we spend the entire night kissing.

keilani so hot

word count: 1514

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