5. like that 🌹

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—I won't follow you into the dark—

"We need to find a snitch." Comet says, "Is there any in Ireland." He asks my mommas sister, Janice. Not an assassin but she knows a lot about the work. She focuses more on technical stuff.

"There's a snitch in the actual mob, you pay enough and they'll give you answers. Donnelly." She says, typing some stuff down.

We have enough.

"Where can we find him?"

"Her, she's a woman. And you can contact her through this email." She turns around and shows it to me. Maire Donnelly.

I type that into my laptop, "Can you get us a plane?"

"Two day's." Janice says.

"As soon as possible, we'll take any."

"Keilani, you can't do this by yourself." Janice says, "You're not nearly as experienced as your mother is."

"I can be if i try, and i won't be by myself, Kalebs coming." I smile a little, he's a bodyguard so i deemed it necessary. "And Comet, and i'm gonna call Trina."

"Trina's in Cambodia." She says, "So she's off limits."

"I'll figure something out, okay."

"Make it quick. Juniper doesn't have long if her husband is involved."


We land in Dublin, Ireland. We have three hours to get to the warehouse to meet Donnelly. I'm also meeting with one of mommas assassin friends.

"Jay Wright?" I step out of the plane, glancing at the tall, pale ginger guy.

"You're a spitting image of your mother, lass." He smiles, "Come on, Donnelly only does one meeting."

I get into the front of the car with Jay, Kaleb and Comet sit in the back. "Who showed you the picture?" Jay asks.

"Italian guy, Ciro Ferrari, AKA coin?" I still think it's a stupid and pathetic that his nickname is Coin.

"How the fuck did you end up with the Italians?" He says, his accent thick and strong, i'm glad he was a slow talker, i would have struggled to understand otherwise.

"The idiots kidnapped the wrong girl."

We exchange conversations over the plan before we finally arrive at the warehouse. It was in the middle of a street, old and rotting, cars driving past

"I'll come in with you." Jay puts his gun in his belt. "How much did you bring?"

"Hundred thousand." I look in the back seat, the briefcase sitting between Comet and Kaleb.

"If any car drives up, drive away." Jay throws the keys to Kaleb, "No one should be here, i'll look after her just keep your addresses on and we'll find you." He gets out of the car.

"Be safe." Comet says, "And don't run your mouth, that'll get you in trouble."

"Nah, that's my best asset." I shoot him a wink and follow Jay inside the building. The ceilings and floors were falling down, moss growing through the racks, spiders and snails up the walls.

"How reliable is this woman?" I ask.

"Very. Doesn't lie, pay her the right amount and she'll tell you anything." He mumbles before knocking on a door three times, steady, hard knocks.

"You can come in." A rich voice echoes throughout the entire building.

Jay opens the door for me and i walk in first. An older wrinkly lady with blonde hair, dressed in designer and wore gold chains over her fingers and neck stands by the window.

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