32. detention 🌹🔥

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-pretending everything is alright is detention-

Arlo Payne is a pain in my ass.

He's currently in a nice little Christian camp to try and make Jesus forgive him for his sins. I tried getting a placement in the camp but they looked me dead in the eye and said 'we don't accept coloured people.' So i'm just going to sneak in instead.

My phone rings and i answer it, in a fucking tree as i watch Arlo with binoculars, he's currently jerking off.

"Yes?" I answer, putting the binoculars to my eyes again.

"May i kindly ask what you're doing in a tree?" Ciro's voice comes on the other line.

"Long story, where are you? Thought you said you'd call me when you're home."

"I thought i'd surprise you with whatever you're doing but i'm not climbing a tree."

I look down, he was staring up at me, "How did you even get up there?"

"You better hide, big boy, a bunch of teenage sinners are about to walk out here for their alone time with God." I wave, still talking into the phone. "I'm about to kill Arlo Payne."


"No. i'm only up here because the owner is a racist prick and wouldn't let me join." I clear my throat, "This motherfuckers cock is so small."

"Why are you looking at his dick?"

"Don't worry baby, your dick is the only one i ride."

"Good. I'll wait by the back entrance for you." He hangs up. I watch him walk away and then put my attention back onto Arlo. I watch as they pray to God, then the owner lets them out and they start walking around. I've watched Arlo like this for a week, he always does the same thing.

He walks around with his friend for about five minutes, then walks to the lake, sits under the tree that im in and confesses his sins to the lake.

Yes, to the lake.

I'm trying to make a choice, should i make it look like he's fell and split his head open on the rocks, that way i could get a lot of frustration out myself. Or, should i make it look like he's tripped and drowned in the lake.

Either, or, i don't give a shit, as long as he's dead.

I watch him as he does all of his stuff and once he's by the lake. I pack my stuff away. I start climbing down the tree, leather gloves don't really stick well with tree bark.

When he sits down and starts whispering a prayer, i swing on the branch, then let go and kick him right in the face. "Miss me?" I pin his arms down with my knees.

His nose already bleeding, I shove a dirty rag in his mouth to stop him screaming too.

He makes muffled sounds but nothing comes out. There's too many people close for me to allow him to make sounds. Revenge is one thing, making sure i stay anonymous is another.

I grab a nearby rock, and hit it over his head.

And i keep hitting it, grunting as i look at the way his skull slowly started to cave in, blood covering the rock.

I make sure no blood gets in the grass where he's laying. So i stop when it starts pooling from his head.

I throw the bloody rock behind me nd lift Arlo over my body, then let him fall. His head hits the same rock again.

I can't help but laugh.

I put a broken branch beside his feet, then for fun, i break his ankle too.

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