12. praying 🌹

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—cause you brought the flames and you put me through hell, I had to learn how to fight for myself—


Time for another man to completely disregard my feelings.

"It wasn't a gangbang. I didn't consent to any of what them boys did to me that night. They drugged me, took me back to a room and raped me the entire night while i was high on fucking drugs."

Something shifted in him and i could see his emotions change into anger.

"And you tied me to a fucking bed and forced me to listen to the most traumatic thing of my life. All while getting everything wrong." I push his chest, not caring we're on a roof, i hope he fucking falls off and dies. "You did what every other human on this planet did and you believed the guys words over my own."

"You fucking praised your brother for raping me. For cutting me because i would keep moving. You praised him for it and then go and tell me you don't condone rape?" I scoff, "You're ridiculous. You're a horrible human. You and your dipshit of a brother."

"You cut me exactly where he cut me, where he tortured me for the night every time i would do something they didn't like. That scar was healing, Coin, he never cut it properly. It was going to heal soon and that was the only reminder i had of everything they did to me. And you cut it again. You cut deeper and it won't ever heal. Never. So i'll always be reminded of that shit. For the rest of my damn life." I push his chest again. He doesn't move.

"You're just like every single fucking person out there. You know how much it took me to open up and tell somebody about that. My own dad didn't even believe me." I shake my head, "My momma was the one that shot Graham, and i fucking hope she would have shot the others as well. Including your brother. Not one person believed me apart from her, and my own brother who knew what it was like to go through the same thing."

"Everybody else called me a slut, a whore. The videos were sent to everybody in the damn University. Do you know how many guys tried to do the same thing to me after that? How many times i was pinned to the ground by men double my size. I wasn't kicked out of the University, Coin. I was forced to leave otherwise i would have fucking killed myself for what your brother and his friends did to me."

"So don't fucking sit there and try to reconcile things with me. I fucking hate you. You're a hypocrite, Rape runs in an Italians family, we're not fucking stupid, Coin. You're not a fucking angel. It runs in your damn family."

"And then you feed into everyone's assumptions and tell me to do what i do best." I shake my head, "How do you think i felt when i was standing there, letting some random guy i've never met fuck my mouth for your benefit? Is that what you wanted to hear, Coin?" I wait for him to answer but he doesn't. "Why i'm not talking to you. Why i don't fucking like you."

He just gets up and walks back inside.

I don't know what i was thinking telling him all of that. My own dad didn't believe me, i don't see why a fucking Italian mafia boss who's brother was part of it would either.

I take a second to recollect my thoughts and calm myself down before i head inside. I walk straight to my room. I walk in and it had been cleaned and i check the TV to see it was working as well.

I shower quickly, change into comfortable clothes and then curl myself into a ball on the mattress while i watch some TV show in Russian with subtitles on.

Kaleb told me that Coin is arranging a plane but i think i'm just going to get a flight back to the states myself. I don't want to be anywhere around him.

I look up flights on my phone and see the earliest one was tomorrow morning. I book one quickly for first class and start packing again, letting Kaleb and Comet know that i booked my flight.

I get a message back saying they're making their way over now and i get out of bed, i start packing my stuff away and by the time i'm done, they're knocking on my door. With Stefan.

"Uh... hi?"

"Food- oh we thought Coin would be in here." Kaleb walks in.

"Why would he be in here?" I close the door after them.

"Well he wasn't with Stefan so we just assumed." Comet says, "Stefan is funny, you know."

"Bet he is." I shoot him a small smile, his face has been cleaned up properly, he's cute as fuck.

"I can go back if you want?" He says, i know he has more of an Italian accent than Coin does, it think it's cute.

"No it's alright." I climb back onto the bed.

Kaleb sits with me, "Your cheeks go red when you cry." He hands me some Chinese takeout food.

"I hurt my back in Ireland and it's still not healed." I lie, but not really because that bruise fucking kills me.

He smiles, "Wanna come to mine when we're back in the states?"

I would love to, he's hot and if everything didn't happen with the sexual assault, i would still be a virgin and i get scared all the time even talking to him because of it.

"I have things to do and people to take care of." I smile back at him, "But maybe one day."

"Why'd you book the flight?" Comet asks.

"Don't know how long the plane will take to arrive, wanna get home to momma as soon as possible." And if on cue, there was a couple of knock on the door.

Kaleb gets off the bed and answers it. I see Coin walk in and i look down at my food, opening up the cardboard box.

"Planes sorted for tomorrow at 8pm." He clears his throat.

I shove a piece of sweet and sour chicken into my mouth, refusing to look at him. I hate opening up.

"What happened between you two?" Stefan asks.

When i do look up i notice Coin was staring directly at me, those blue eyes captivating my look. Then everyone else was looking between us.

"I'm tired, my flights at 4AM. All of you go." I start chewing another piece of chicken.

"You're not coming with me?" Coin says, as if he's disappointed. And he didn't use plural, he used single. Me.

"I'd rather not. Our deal is done, i don't like you and i don't think i'm going to be able to tolerate your ass for another flight so..." I smile jokingly, "Have fun."

"What did happen between you two?" Comet raises an eyebrow.

"Nothing. Go. I'll call you when i land." I get off the bed and give Comet a hug, "Be safe."

"You're the one flying alone from Russia." He kisses the top of my head. "And i expect a full story whenever im back."

I roll my eyes and as they're leaving, i crawl into bed. But Coin doesn't leave. He walks to the end of my bed.

"Go." I look at him.

"I'm sorry." The words leave his lips and they sound so foreign coming from him. "I really am."

"Your apologises don't mean shit to me, Ferrari."

He nods his head a little and walks towards the door but then stops and looks back at me, "We'll be seeing each other again."

"I hope not."

n this is the start

word count: 1314

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