19. look what you made me do🌹

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—the world moves on another day another drama, but not for me all i think about is karma-

Warren Lott is in the hospital.

He tried to take his life after our bump in with him, so his mommy and daddy put him in a hospital to look after him. His nice litle own hospital room where he's attached to a drip 24/7.

You know, it's crazy what people will do for money. I stopped one of the nurses to ask for her uniform for the night in return for $500. She gave me her key card and ID too.

I walk through the hospital building, a surgical mask on my face is great, no one can see me, or, no one knows it's me.

This girl, Maria, who i got the scrubs and keycard from, she looks like me, only she had piercings in her nose and thankfully, the mask covered it.

I slide my keycard in and the door opens, "Maria?" A nurse says.

I raise my voice a couple pitches higher, "Forgot my bag."

"Oh, all right, i won't sign you back in." She smiles.

I walk in through the double doors and take the stairs up to the fifth floor where i know Warren is

I blended in perfectly as i walk down to the end of the hall, seeing room 34.

I walk in, closing the door behind me.

He was asleep, and better for me he was restrained to the bed. That means he can't fight back.

That's too peaceful.

I take the tranquilser out of my pocket. It's got enough dosage for a horse. I'll inject this into his IV, he might seize, but even if it does, it will stop his heart. They might be able to revive him, but even if they do, the time it takes to get his heart beating again will be too long without oxygen to his brain. He'll be in a vegetative state for the rest of his life.

At least he can't hurt any other girls that way.

I wake him up.

"Go away." He groans.

I pull my mask down.

His eyes focus in on my face and he opens his mouth to scream but i shove the content of the blanket into it so all that comes out is a muffled cry.

"You're my number one, Warren." I take the needle out of my pocket, "Shh. don't scream, it will only make things worse. That's what you said to me, right?" I set the needle on the side table, then take the razor from my pocket. "Same goes for you."

The vein in his neck was popping he was screaming that much.

I grab his jaw, mouth still filled with the blanket and squeeze my hands. "Shut the fuck up."

I wanted to make this more painful but i can't risk Maria her job.

So i grab the needle, inject the contents into his IV and watch as he calms down, his eyes closing over.

I take the blanket out of his mouth. then rip off his hospital bracelet and shove it into my pocket, throwing the needle in the trash and walking out of his room while i pull my mask up.

I get out of that floor quickly not seeing another nurse and then leave through the front. I walk to where i left Maria before i pull my mask down.

"What were you doing?" She asks.

I open my car, then open my glovebox and pull out $1,000. "There's $1,000 there, if anyone questions you. You don't know who i am." I take her scrubs off, "Go."

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