6. dangerous game 🌹

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—it's a dangerous game, I see a storm rolling in-

We had to sneak into the location where my momma was being held, in the back of a fucking car. Underneath suitcases.

He's a big guy. He's literally taking up more space then there is. I'm crumpled into a little ball. My legs are numb, my hands are going numb.

"Stop moving." He says, his voice strained.

"My legs numb." I manage to extend my leg a little bit but then he makes an exasperated sigh, flinching a little, "Oh... did i kick you?"

"Your foot is between my legs. Move it." He says slowly.

Oh i have so much advantage right now.

"Both of you stop moving, we're driving up." The ugly small Irish guy called Peter who's driving us in says, Coin threatened him and had leverage so Peter being a scared little bitch boy obviously agreed to it.

"Move. It." Coin says, again.

I couldn't see his face but i knew it was going to be bared teeth and gritting.

And then i kick harder.

He flinched again but stays ducked down, "I'm going to fucking strangle you."

"You're forgetting who's in control of your disco stick right now?"

"Disco stick?"

"Hm, that small thing-"

"Not small, princess, ask nice enough and i'll show you that-"

"Okay that's gross, would rather die."

"Do you two ever stop bickering?" Peter says from the front.

"Shut your mouth. Just get us in there." Coin raises his voice.

I had the urge to kick him again but knew this was our only chance to get momma back. The car comes to a slow and then a swift stop, "Peter Wills, hi. You're pretty early."

"Had a long drive down." Peter replies with a nervous laugh, "Can i just stick in the parking lot till it's open?"

"Main halls open, just you?"

"Yup, just me."

"Alright, drive ahead and then left once you see the other cars parked."

"Thank you." The window rolls up.

And when the car starts driving again, that's when i kick Coin. "Accident." I smile.

His hand grabs my ankle, "Kick me again and i'll break it."

"I said it was an accident-"

"If you two hate each other so much why are you together?" Peter asks, as if it's any of his business.

"Talk when you have permission too." I narrow my eyes even though he couldn't see me.

"There's no one around, i'll get out now."

"You screw me over and all it takes is for me to not return and little baby Hannah is going to get it." Coin threatens Peter.

What a mean, mean man.

"I won't, Coin." Peter sighs, opening his car door.

"Can you let go of my foot?" I flex it.

"I don't trust you to not kick me in the balls again so no."

The trunk opens and finally, a bag is lifted away from my head. It was dark out, and cold. I should have wore more warm clothes.

"Stay down." Peter throws the bag on my head quickly. That hurt.

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