8. dont make me🌹

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—don't make me the bad guy—

"This is going to go to shit." I complain, yet again, as Coin leads me into the cabin house.

We met up with Kristian, and true to my mothers words, he did give me the date and the time and the exact location for the gentleman's club, I'm officially an invitee.

All invites stay in the small cabins just outside the city where the club is being held. I've noticed a few people who look familiar but none of them noticed me, it's crazy what straightening your hair can do.

We have the plan all sorted out and it's going to go to shit. And not for any reason; merely for the fact that Ciro and I have to act like a couple.

Because only couples are invited.

Sick, twisted, disgusting couples that find amusement in exhibitionism and torture.

Kristian told us they wouldn't even let us in if we didn't look like we were in love, and thankfully Coin can act because he did most of the talking to the guy who assigned us our cabin.

It was disgusting. He held my hand and kissed the top of my head and i threw up in my mouth. I don't know if that was because of nerves or Coin but i'm blaming it on him.

The plan goes as follows.

The gathering isn't until a week away, it was pushed back because someone important couldn't make it that week, so now i have to live with Coin for an entire week.

We'll head to the club arm in arm, pretending to be a couple that thrives on watching others gets tortured. Then, we find Stefan. I'm probably going to have to be the one to seduce whoever's guarding his cage and while i'm doing that, Coin will get Stefan. Now Kristian told us to arrive early when there's less people; or stay late.

We want as little collateral damage as possible.

And disguises.

Coin bought brown contacts and is going to do something with his hair and facial hair. I just need a wig, i'm going with a deep red or a deep blue, something that won't strike too much attention.

Coin looks at me, sighs and then turns around.

I look at the cabin.

Oh you have got to be kidding me. The cabin is small, the bedroom, kitchen, and living room are all in view of each other. I walk to the only closed door hoping it was a spare room but nope, it was the bathroom.

His long ass body is not going to fit on the couch and as much as i would love to take the bed, the nice king sized bed that looks so comfy with blankets, i need us to be the strongest we can and i don't think he will be that if he's couped up on a couch for an entire week.

"You take the bed." I drop my bag.

"I was gonna." He mumbles, walking over to the bed.


I take my phone out of my pocket and call Momma, "We're here." I say when she answers.

"That's good, i got all my injuries casted. I'm heading back to the states as soon as possible but Kaleb and Comet will be at a hotel in Moscow in case you need help."

"Thank you, call me when you're in the states."

"I will do darling. How is everything?"

"We have an inital plan and stuff, need to do a bit of shopping." I look back at Coin to see he was stripping.

"Put your clothes back on." I say to him.

"What?" Momma says.

"Oh, nothing. Look, i'm gonna do some shopping so i'll call you later. Make sure to rest and eat, i love you."

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