Chapter 19

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The light from bright morning sun streaming through the windows awakens Mi-Cha the next morning. Normally, this would make her a little grumpy, but today was a good day. Justice had been served the day before and it felt damned good knowing that her abusers were going to pay dearly for what they'd done to her. The execution of Hak Chul was definitely something to look forward to next week.

She sat up and stretched, contemplating whether or not she wants to take a bucket of popcorn along to the execution when the heavy footfalls of one of her mates coming up the stairs meets her ears. Just like that, her heart soared and anticipation took over all her prior thoughts. In the presence of her mates, Hak Chul was merely an afterthought.

"Knock, knock."

Jimin knocked on the doorframe despite the door being cracked open wide enough for him to see her and she beckons him in, returning his infectious smile

"Good morning Mimi. I have something for you," he grins, his eyes disappearing adorably.

"Good morning Chim. You do?" She asks, noticing he has his hands behind his back.

"Yup, open it," he insists, pulling a shopping bag from behind his back and placing it on the bed in front of her.

He rocks back and forth on his heels as he watches her open his gift, pulling the brand new ice skates he'd gotten her.

"I got them in white so we could customize them later. Kook's really good at that," he blurts nervously, making her giggle.

"They're perfect either way. Thank you, but I must warn you that I don't know how to skate. I'm willing to learn though of course," she smiles, looking up at him.

"Well luckily for you, one of your soulmates happens to be the best in all the land," he says proudly puffing his chest out a little, a silly grin on his face.

"Who? Kook? He really is good at everything huh," she says, making Jimin's jaw drop.

"Yah! Mi-Cha! That hurt," he whines, throwing himself on the bed next to her, burying his face into the pillow next to her and loudly fake crying.

"Ah, Jimin-ah, I was just playing," she giggles, setting the gift aside so she could lie next to him and wrap her arms around his waist.

Before she knows it, the beta is on top of her, tickling her senseless. She squeals and wriggles, loud giggles from them both filling the room as she tries to dodge the lightening fast prodding of his fingers. Somehow, they end up in a heap on the floor and Mimi finally gets her opening to gain control, flipping them so that she was on top. She manages to get ahold of both his wrists, pinning them above his head with one hand while she tickles him with the other.

"Nooo," he laughs in defeat when he realizes he can't get out of her grip.

"Gotcha," she grins, mercilessly tickling wherever she could reach.

Jimin was strong, but she was slightly stronger, able to keep him pinned by placing her knees on either side of his. That didn't mean it was easy to restrain him though. He flails and wriggles just like she did and it was a challenge to hold the position. She tickles him he begs for mercy and at that point, they're both panting. She lets his wrists go, holding herself up with her hands and Jimin's breath hitches at their close proximity, the after tickle haze lifting to reveal just how close they were right now. Mimi felt it too, finding herself momentarily stuck as she looked down at his beautiful face. Almost subconsciously, they both move in closer; so close that she could clearly see the flecks of gold swimming in Jimin's eyes. Her heart rate increases, her inner wolf stirring as she breathes in his scent. Jimin's wolf stirs too as he lies underneath her, his hands still above his head despite her grip not keeping them in place anymore. He waits patiently as he watches the conflict in her eyes. She wants to kiss him—he can feel it; and he wants it more than anything.
However, as soon as he saw a flicker of resolution, Kook bounds up the stairs, making them both jump apart from shock.

Scarred(A Jikook x OC Werewolf AU)Where stories live. Discover now