Chapter 11

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Mi-Cha sat stoically, the only movement from her being the steady tapping of the pencil on the notepad in front of her.

Slowly but surely, she was becoming restless, trapped in her own mind. Every single sound echoed in her ears—the slow dripping of the faucet in the kitchen, the ticking of the clock on the wall, the low murmur of the TV playing in the background. It was all too much, overwhelming her to the point she felt like she could crawl right out of her skin to escape it.

"MiMi," Jimin calls softly, sidling up beside her and lightly touching her shoulder.

"Yes?" she asks, clasping her hands together as she turned to face him.

"Your feels like you need to shift. You haven't since the first time right?" he asks and she shakes her head.

"What you're feeling is your wolf getting restless. It happens when we go too long without shifting or when we're emotional about something. Shifting should make you feel better," he says.

"He's right, you'll be able to clear your head," JK says.

"Okay, um, are you coming with? I don't really know the woods here," she says and they nod, giving each other a look as they follow her to the door.

"Mimi, before we go, there's something you should know about our bond. When Jimin and I are in wolf form, we can read each other's thoughts. With time, we learned to control what we wanted to share and what we wanted to keep to ourselves..."JK trails off.

"So if we shift together, you might see what's in my head," she says, her hand on the doorknob.

"There's a good chance. We don't have to shift with you if you don't want us to though. If we stay in the woods while you run, you'll be able to find our scents easier," Jimin says.

She turns around to face them, an expression of deep thought on her face as she mulls it over.

"I don't think it would be a bad idea necessarily, but do you think you're ready?" she asks.

"Shouldn't we be asking you that?" JK asks slowly, not grasping the gravity of the question fully.

"You could, but the answer wouldn't really matter would it? There are things you're going to find out regardless next week at the hearing. The only difference is you won't have the full backstory. If you're okay with that—not knowing, then fine; but if you're not, you need to be prepared. These things are difficult to write, let alone say, so I guess what I need to know is that you won't..." she trails off, tearing up at the thought of them being disgusted and rejecting her as their mate.

There weren't an awful lot of instances that she remembered in detail, but she always remembered what happened right before and the aftermath; and that was more daunting than one might think—being held down and drugged only to wake up to all the marks, bruises, and pain she didn't remember being inflicted on her.

"Sweetheart, I meant every word of what I said at Dr.Kim's. Jimin and I aren't going anywhere. You can't help what happened in your past," JK says, pulling her into a hug again.

"He's right. There's nothing you can show us that'll make us leave you. We're going to be upset, enraged even, but never at you," Jimin adds, hugging her from behind.

"I want to believe you so bad," she sniffles, her head fighting against her heart.

"Then believe us. You don't feel that way for no reason Mi-Cha. That's our bond telling you it's okay to believe in us. You'll never know unless you give us a chance. Let us know you, all of you. You don't need to carry it all alone," Jimin says.

"Then we should go before I lose my nerve," she says and he nods, opening the door for her.

They didn't bother with shoes, knowing they would have to come off anyways and Mi-Cha finds herself amazed at the fact that her feet aren't nearly as affected by the snow as she would've thought. It was actually kind of soothing, like dipping your feet in a pool on a hot day.

Scarred(A Jikook x OC Werewolf AU)Where stories live. Discover now