Chapter 12

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Jimin paced the floor of the living room, looking over at the clock every time he turned to face it. It was a quarter past 9 and Jeongguk still wasn't back. He was equal parts worried and irked with the alpha right now—worried about what he'd gotten into in the state of mind he was in when he'd left without a word and irked that he'd done exactly what he'd promised not to do to Mi-Cha—leave. He knew he wasn't gone for good, but she didn't and he definitely should've at least offered some reassurance before he left.

After her run, in the deepest part of the forest, Mi-Cha had trusted them with her darkest secrets, the horrendous memories playing in their heads like a movie they couldn't wait to end. It was horrendous, the things she'd gone through, the way she felt—her agony enveloping them as if it were their own. Jimin shivers just thinking about it. It was incredibly intense and uncomfortable, but that was what they signed up for. Jimin bared it with great difficulty, but JK had a harder time—nothing but the color red in his head as he ran howling away after a particularly hard memory.

 Jimin bared it with great difficulty, but JK had a harder time—nothing but the color red in his head as he ran howling away after a particularly hard memory

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"Let's let him cool down. He'll probably be home waiting when we get there," Jimin had told Mi-Cha, along with plenty of reassurances that he wasn't going anywhere—even though he yearned to chase after Jeongguk; he knew she needed him more.

She'd understood at first, solemnly walking beside him in silence as he took them the long route home, naming different flowers and plants as they passed them—just to get rid of the tension between them. He could still feel the worry rolling off her in waves, but a few snuggles had calmed her down temporarily.

He knew JK wasn't there when he'd stepped inside to get clothes for Mi-Cha, no recent trace of the alpha's scent to be found. All they could do was wait, so he'd taken Mimi one of his robes he kept in the laundry room to put on after she changed back into human form, which took a while because of her heightened emotions. He'd sent her upstairs to shower while he called around asking if anyone had seen him, his last call to Namjoon, who didn't pick up. He left a voicemail explaining the situation and asked the alpha to be on the lookout since JK didn't have his phone with him.

"Still no word?" Mi-Cha had asked, standing at the bottom of the stairs, her hair still dripping from her shower.

"Nothing yet. It hasn't been long, but I asked Sheriff Namjoon to keep an eye out," he said, pulling his head out of his arms where he rested at the island.

"I'm sorry. I should have eased into it, but I couldn't stop. Everything just kept flooding out," MiMi said, her voice wavering with emotion.

It broke his heart when he looked up and saw tears filling her eyes. It must've been incredibly hard reliving all that and now she was blaming herself for JK's disappearing act too.

"MiMi, it wasn't your fault. You warned us—"

"Yeah, but could a warning suffice for what I showed you? It was selfish of me to dump all that on you—to burden you with my trauma. I really am sorry," she choked out before turning around and running upstairs to her room before he could see her break down.

Scarred(A Jikook x OC Werewolf AU)Where stories live. Discover now