Chapter 7

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Mi-Cha stirred awake to the sun shining directly in her face, making her groan and pull the covers over her head. She'd never slept in a bed this comfy and wanted to hold onto sleep for as long as possible. She was content—warm, safe, and surrounded with her mates' scents—all a recipe for laziness.

Jimin, who had just come upstairs to check on her, smiles from the doorway, finding it incredibly cute how only a little of her face was poking out of the covers, her lips set in a pout.

He knocks on the doorframe and she sits up quickly, random curls sticking up on her head that had escaped from her braid. She looks like a Princess to him in this moment, absolutely beautiful despite her adorable disarray.

"Good morning. Kook's almost finished with breakfast, so I figured I'd come get you," he smiles, sweeping his hair back out of his face.

She couldn't help but be stunned for a moment, wondering how someone could look so perfect this early in the morning. She could see streaks of brown in his raven hair, one side of his face highlighted by the sun. Goddess, he's so stunning that it's intimidating.

"Uh, okay," she manages, covering eyes with one hand and her mouth with the other as she yawns.

"I'll leave you be now. There should be a new toothbrush, some toothpaste, and some towels in the bathroom. My brother stays in here when he visits sometimes," he says, referring to the en-suite bathroom to her right.

"Cool, thanks. I'll be down soon," she says, throwing her legs over the edge of the bed.

Jimin shoots her one last smile before taking his leave and giving her privacy. He makes his way back downstairs where Kook was working hard on his best breakfast dish—kimchi fried rice topped with bacon and eggs.

"That was quick," he says when he sees Jimin back so soon.

"She was already half awake," he smiles, her cute pout still in his head.

"You look so happy," JK giggles, the dopey expression on his mate's face amusing him.

"She's just so cute. I'm glad we have her Kook. I can't help but think the moon goddess heard my prayer that night," he sighs, wrapping his arms around his mate from behind, laying his head on his back.

"I think so too Chim, but we don't want to jump the gun though. With the past she's had, she may not even want kids and if that's the case, we have to respect it," JK says, the voice of reason for his wishful soulmate.

It had been a happy three years for the two as a mated pair, but they both had this nagging feeling that something was missing. Since they both had wanted to be fathers before they bonded, they came to the conclusion that what was missing—and what always would be—was the ability to have children of their own. Jeongguk is a realist who comes to terms with things quickly while Jimin is a dreamer who is often haunted by things he can't control. It's particularly bittersweet for him whenever someone they know is blessed with a child and one night when he was feeling rather sad about it; he asked the moon goddess to fill the void in their lives and make it possible for them to have children. He'd called himself silly right after and apologized for his selfish request—the wolves who had yet to even find their mates coming to mind. Now, here they are less than a month later with a female mate.

He heeds his mate's warning for now though and tries not to get his hopes up too high. He wouldn't dare pressure her for something she may not be ready for. She's so young as has been through so many things already—things that require healing. They have a lifetime ahead of them, so he would wait until the time is right to bring it up.

He's snapped out of his thoughts by the clearing of a throat, his head snapping over to his newest soulmate who stood at the bottom of the stairs.

"Is there a first aid kit?" She asks, immediately making them frown with concern.

Scarred(A Jikook x OC Werewolf AU)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin