Chapter 13

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"Jeongguk, I told you it's fine. You had a moment and I understand. Please let it go," Mi-Cha says as gently as possible.

The man had been apologizing profusely since they woke up, which she was grateful for—especially when he explained his reasoning and what he'd done for her. She'd be lying if she said that hearing how he beat up Chul and Dr. Seo hadn't lifted her spirits when she'd heard it. Now, she was just ready to move past this. With her first therapy appointment happening today, she had a lot on her mind. Meeting new people is nerve-wrecking within itself, but meeting the stranger you're expected to spill your innermost secrets to was nauseating to say the least. It had taken a lot of courage to do it with her mates, and it would take even more today. Whereas she could just show them, today she would have to openly speak about it.

"But it's not fine, I—"

"JK, today is Mi-Cha's first day of therapy. How about we focus on that hm? You could do some grand apology gesture later," Jimin assures, rubbing up and down his arms from behind as he cooked.

"But I don't need some grand apology gesture though Oppa," she groans.

"It's not about what you need. It's about what you deserve. Now, how are you feeling right now? Nervous?" Jimin asks, changing the topic with a note of finality.

He could already feel her nerves, but wanted to ask anyways. Just because he knew what she was feeling didn't mean he knew the thought process behind it. After yesterday, he wanted to get her comfortable with expressing how she felt and that started by showing interest.

"Yeah, a little," she says quietly, making him quirk a brow, his hands resting on the counter in front of her.

"Okay, a lot. I feel like I'm gonna throw up. Oh Goddess, what if I do? I cannot look that man in the face for three days a week if I puke in his office. Maybe I shouldn't eat before I go," she says, wringing her hands together worriedly.

"If you think that's best, you don't have to. I can't eat when I'm nervous either, but you should have something. How does a cup of tea sound?" he asks and she nods.

"Really good actually, thanks," she says, shooting him a small smile.

"That's what I'm here for love," he grins, shooting her a wink before turning around to gather what he needed for tea.

Her heart flutters in her chest, butterflies mingling with the nerves she was already feeling. She thought back to the night before and how easily he'd calmed her. Now with a clear head, the thought of his tongue on her neck made her blush hard, a mix of embarrassment and something else that lay under the surface of her psyche.

"What are you thinking about pretty girl?" he asks, placing the tea down in front of her, making her jump a little.

She must've been in her head for longer than she knew. Jimin's charm most certainly had an effect on her, leaving her stunned and too nervous to speak sometimes.

"Oh, nothing. Thanks for the tea," she says, not meeting his eyes.

He and JK share a knowing look, but choose not to comment. Just like they could feel her nerves, they could feel that fluttering feeling that accompanied it. It made Jimin happy to know how she felt around him, his smile never leaving his face throughout breakfast. JK was happy too, but quiet, thinking about what he was going to do to apologize.

After finishing her tea, she made her way upstairs to shower and get dressed—opting for some comfy, black cargo pants and one of JK's hoodies along with her Timberland boots. She pulled her hair up in a high pony for a change, adding some products to tame her huge hair before making her way back downstairs. JK smiles upon seeing her in his clothes, the hoodie she was wearing adorably oversized.

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