Chapter 1

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Rays from the bright morning sun shine down on Mi-Cha's face, awakening her from her pain induced slumber. Right away, she knew she was human again. She could feel the flurries of snow melting into her heated skin and the cold, hard ground underneath her body. She places her hand in front of her eyes to block the sun and sits up, grabbing her blood stained dress from underneath the thin blanket of snow that collected on it while she was unconscious.

She slips it over her head and looks down at her legs numbly, dried blood staining her golden skin. All she remembered was waking up to her sperm donor holding a needle to her neck and then waking up again in a hotel room laying next to a dead vampire. It didn't take much to fill in the blanks. Her father had been drugging her and letting men rape her for money since she was a teen. Apparently, he'd bitten off more than he could chew with this one—no pun intended—or maybe he'd sold her off for good. Either way, he was nowhere to be found when she woke up.

She had awakened to a blistering heat in her shoulder, the drugs she was on making her black in and out. She supposes that heat came from the vampire's bite. Vampire venom is usually fatal to wolves, the only exception being alphas.

The venom triggered her very first change, and she'd killed the vampire afterwards, decapitating him as soon as the shift was complete. She immediately knew she was an alpha. Not only had she not succumbed to the bite, but she could feel the strength and power coursing throughout her form. Unfortunately, she didn't get to revel in that feeling for long. Her alpha form wouldn't allow any impurities to taint her blood, so her body began to reject the vampire's venom resulting in crippling pain. She'd wailed so loud that the housekeeper let herself into the room of the little run down hotel, thinking one of the guests had snuck a dog in. Seeing her chance for escape, she'd grabbed her dress in her mouth and barreled past the woman, making her way to the forest behind the hotel.

She'd tracked the lingering traces of her father's scent she could pick up on in order to get home, but had passed out from the pain right before she could get there—just her fucking luck.

She pulls herself up from the ground and starts walking in the direction of home. She could tell she was close by the scent of breakfast coming from the pack house nearby. On any other day, that scent would make her hungry. Not today though. Today, she was only hungry for one thing—revenge.

She emerged from the tree line and began her trek across the large stretch of land with one mission in mind, finding her sperm donor and making him pay for what he did to her. She was numb to the world around her—the cold ground underneath her bare feet, the cold breeze whipping across her exposed skin, the material from her tattered, blood-stained dress flapping in the wind. The one and only thing she could feel was hot, burning rage. It started deep in the pit of her belly and extended outwards until it had taken over her, tinting her vision red and making her whole body burning hot from inside out it felt. Years of abuse at the hand of who was supposed to love and protect her had turned her into someone she didn't recognize. That and years of being drugged with God knows what had fucked her up so bad it made her mute, but today she would speak and what she had to say would be heard.

Today, she was in true form—an alpha—not the weak, worthless half human, bastard spawn of her father who she had become to her "pack."

She started hearing voices the closer she got, her new and improved hearing picking up on the low murmur of people talking inside the pack house.

Picking up on movement on the other side of the pack house, she pauses and listens harder. There were car doors closing and introductions being made by none other than the man of the hour.


It felt like mere seconds had passed before her long legged stride had carried her over to the parking lot, now in sight of him and his scummy beta, Chul. They were dressed in their Sunday's best with shit eating grins on their faces as they shook hands with a tall, blonde man, probably the officer they'd been talking about all week. There were two more men accompanying him and they reached out to shake their hands too, but one had already spotted her and was sporting a horrified look.

She was well aware she probably looked like a zombie with her fucked up makeup, her long, curly hair in kinks, caked in dirt and debris from the forest, along with her bloody body and clothes.

"You look like you've seen a ghost father," she says as she approaches, knowing he'd hear her despite the distance.

"Mi-Cha..." he states, completely shocked and taken aback by what he was seeing.

"No way she's an alpha," Chul huffs, refusing to believe what was blatantly clear the closer she got to them.

"That's what I thought Chul, until I shifted and survived that bite—no thanks to you two of course. You drugged me, let him rape me, bite me, and you left me for dead. Not even a proper burial for your daughter. That's cold, even for you father," she spits.

"What the fuck is going on here Dae-Hyun? Is what she's saying true?" the tall blonde asks, looking angry and disgusted.

"Of course it is! Look at her!" one of his men, clearly an alpha bellows, gesturing to her as she was finally close enough to do what she had to do.

"I-I can explain," Dae-Hyun stutters, attempting to calm the men.

"You won't get the chance," Mi-Cha says calmly, her hand shifting into a claw.

She plunges her claws deep into the left side of his chest and twists, looking him in the eye while she took his life. He coughed and sputtered, blood pouring out of his mouth and his wide eyes not looking away from hers as he dropped to his knees.

"That's right. Remember this moment so you can have something to ponder over in hell you evil, conniving son of a bitch!" she screams, tears streaming down her face as she squeezes his heart in her hand.

She pulls it out of his chest and he slumps over, falling to the ground with his eyes still open as if he were looking up at her. She tosses his heart at her feet and spits on it in disgust.

"You never used it anyways," she says bitterly.

"You little, black bitch!" Chul yells, his voice wavering and his eyes changing, indicating he was going to shift.

"You shift and I shoot," the blonde says, aiming a gun at his head.

"B-But she just killed him while he was in human form and unprovoked at that! She didn't even challenge him!" he accuses, his whole body shaking as he tried to calm his wolf.

"She did, and as officer of this area, it's my job to handle it. The council will be the ones to decide whether or not it was unprovoked and everything else for that matter. I suggest you gather your pack elders and alphas and meet us at our court house on the southern border of our land by nightfall," he says, turning away from Chul and turning his eyes on the girl.

Chul scoffed, but backed off, running off in the opposite direction.

"Mi-Cha? Is that your name?" the man asks, drawing her eyes away from her father's lifeless body.

"Yes," she replies, no aggression in her tone.

She knew what had to happen now and she'd take whatever punishment they'd throw her way. Nothing would be worse than what she'd already endured.

"Oh come on Namjoon, do you really have to arrest her? We can't just you know—let her go?" one of the men he brought with him asks, looking at her sympathetically. Namjoon shakes his head and sighs, making the man look down in disappointment.

"I'm going to have to arrest you. Although I feel what you did was warranted, it's not my decision whether you should be let go or not. You'll be taken to our lands and you'll undergo trial tonight in front of the council, our alphas and elders as well as yours," he says, stepping over her father.

She sticks her wrists out and lets him cuff her with silver, sitting her in the third row of his black SUV. He gets in the driver's seat and the engine roars to life underneath them. The three men share a loaded look with each other as he pulls off—each worrying for the pitiable girl in the backseat.

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