Ch.32 The Weight Of The Multiverse

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I went to Au after Au. Some empty. Others with a few inhabitants. While some were angry, most were resigned. Many thanked me for giving them death, calling me their angel of mercy. The more I killed the emptier I felt. In one Au, the Sans asked me why I was crying. They had lived in a completely blank Au, without anyone else. They were mostly corrupted though. I felt my face and realize tears were still streaming down it. I told them I hadn't realized I was. They gave my a sad smile, and thanked me for crying for them. They had lost the ability a long time ago. I quickly finish my work after hearing that.

The crushing feeling in my soul was starting to go away, but the burning was stronger than ever. I wasn't sure what it was at first, but I soon realize what it was. I was angry.... no furious at the god of creation and Fate. They force me into a role I never wanted and couldn't get out of. If I tried to stop, it would risk the multiverse being destroyed from being overfilled. Fate didn't have to torture me and make me a god of destruction, since I would have had to do this anyways. My job as a guardian of the multiverse would have had me act in the best interest of its survival. So everything Fate did to me was pointless. If creation had just abided by the limits of the multiverse and actually took care of their creations I wouldn't have to do this.

After I finish destroying the last universe. I just wanted to go somewhere and cry. I was covered in blood and dust by now. I didn't want to go back to Reapertale in my mental state. It wasn't safe for Life and Nightmare. I also didn't know where Reaper was currently to help me calm down. So I to go to the only other place I could think of. I open up a portal at a familiar cliff side. I walk through. The portal closes behind me as I drop to the floor on my hands and knees. I finally let go. I start shrieking. My cries were distorded from my glitches. Glitches and errors were popping up all over me. I couldn't see anymore with them in the way. My soul screamed in anguish and anger.


*You call for help.

*And someone came.

I feel a pair of arms wrap around me. My first instinct was to push them away, before I hear singing.


Through Glass By Stone Sour

I'm looking at you through the glass.

Don't know how much time has passed.

Oh God, it feels like forever.

But no one ever tells you,

that forever feels like home,

sitting all alone, inside your head.

'Cause I'm looking at you through the glass.

Don't know how much time has passed.

All I know is that it feels like forever.

When no one ever tells you,

that forever feels like home,

sitting all alone, inside your head.

I hear Outer's soul sing along with him. My glitches start to calm down and I stop shrieking.

Evolution of a Reincarnation Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant