Ch.31 Angel Of Mercy

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(Author Note: This chapter contains extreme violence and death. You have been warned)

*Huff* *Huff* *Huff* "Pass me the water Nightmare." I yell to Nightmare as I flop onto my back. Nightmare throws me the bottle with a tendril. They had been getting better at using them without fully corrupting.

I catch the bottle with a bit of magic and bring pull it into my hands. I snap open the lid and take a deep drink of the cool liquid. Nightmare and I were currently in a random field of the dead Dreamtale. I had been doing some training while Nightmare took a break and watched. We had been working on our abilities. While I would need a sparing partner soon, Nightmare has made alot of progress with his using shadows and negativity. We actually figured out how to make shadow Papyrus. Nightmare didn't really like to though, since while they were an extension of him, they were self-aware. He didn't feel comfortable creating another sentient being he could control. I just told him that was fine and he could change his mind when he was older. Though I did suggest that if a situation came up that he would need to use them to not be afraid to. They were still part of his magic after all.

I close the water and sit up. I stretch until I hear a *Pop*. "Alright, that should be good for the day. Ready to head back Nightmare." I ask. They nod their head and stand up, walking over to me.

I stand up and head over to them. "When do you think I'll be able to learn to fight?" Nightmare asks me.

"Once you have a better handle on your abilities. Don't worry though, I'll still show you around some of the safer universes while I teach you, so you don't get too bored. There are a few places I want to take you to learn about different magics." I tell them.

"Alright Mama!" Nightmare exclaims excitedly. I open a portal back to Life's garden.

Just as I was about to walk through I feel a crushing, burning feeling from my soul. *Gasp* I fall to my knees as the portal sputters out. Nightmare quickly comes to me. "Mama! Are you ok!?" They say starting to panic.

*Grunt* "I'm *Gasp* fine, sweets. I need to *Wince* take care of something. I'll send *Gasp* I'll send you back." I say through the pain. Nightmare looks at me as if I completely lost it.

"Your in pain! You need to see Life!" Nightmare exclaims. I shake my head and struggle to stand back up.

"Life can't *Wince* can't do anything. I know how to *Huff* how to stop it. I'm going to send *Gasp* send you back. I need you to tell Life that *Huff* were reaching the limit. Can you *Grunt* can you do that? It's important." I tell them. Nightmare hesitantly agrees.

I shakily open up a portal again. They quickly go through. I close it behind them. Well, it's the moment of truth. I open up another portal and quickly step through. I land in a white bed of flowers in the beginning of the ruins. I notice the area are missing color and chunks of ground. I landed myself in a corrupted universe. I get right to work. I pull string from my sockets and let them spread around me. I make my forward through the ruins. As I walk forward I keep seeing piles of dust on the ground. A genocide run then. I travel past completed traps and more dust. After some time I make it to the front of Toriel's house and enter. I head straight down to the basement and down the hall, until I make it to an area with burn marks and another pile of dust. I walk around it and head to the doors to exit the ruins. I push the doors and head down the path to Snowdin.

  The corruption was even more noticeable here than in the ruins. Whole trees and sections of ground are missing. I look up to see white, instead of the cave ceiling. I keep going down the path careful of the holes. Soon I make it to the gate, however a whole section is gone. I just walk past. I make my way past damaged puzzles and dust, until I make it to town. I pull up the code to make sure I didn't miss anything. It looks like no one is left in the Ruins, Snowdin, Waterfall, or Hotland. The human and Sans are currently fighting in the Judgement Hall. I decide to shortcut directly there.

  Once to the side of the Judgement Hall, I'm met by the sounds of blasters. I look forward to see the human and Sans in the middle of Sans' turn. The Sans was washed out of color and had white and black glitches around their body. The human is dodging the blasters with well practiced precision. Their face had an expression of sadistic glee. I look to the code to see just how many genocide runs they have done. It seems that the Frisk has started over six hundred genocide runs in a row and had been messing with the code of the universe. That has lead to Chara and the Au corrupting. I look back to the battle I notice that the Sans was becoming exhausted. I move into action. I send a series of my strings at the human and wrap their soul and limbs tightly, leaving them dangling in the air. The two notice me as I walk forward. My eyelights begin to glow brighter. "LoOkY WhAt I FoUnD. A GeNoCiDaL LiTtLe ShIt, WhO SeEm To ThInK ThAt ThEy CaN Do WhAtEvEr ThEy WaNt WiThOuT CoNSeQuEnCeS. CoRrUpTeD NoT OnLy CHaRa, BuT ThE WhOlE UnIvErSe. LeT Me TeLl YoU SoMeThInG, KaRmA HaS CoMe To CoLlEcT ThEiR DuE." I say, my voice glitchy from my anger.

  Without hesitation I rip their soul away. I then proceed to wrap my string around their throat and snap their neck. I bring the red and black soul to my still wrapped in string to prevent it from shattering. The Sans looks to be in shock at what just happened. I slowly walk over to the Sans. Once I'm a few feet in front of them. They seem to snap out of it. They seem to exhausted to fight, but still alert. I look them dead in the eyelights. "YoUr UnIvErSe Is ToO DaMaGeD To FiX Or ReSeT And ThE COrRuPtIoN WiLl JuSt SpReAd To OtHeR WoRlDs If I DoN't StOp It. SaDlY ThAt MeAnS I NeEd To GeT RiD Of AlL TrAcEs Of ThE DaMaGed CoDe. ThE OnLy ThInG I CaN Do FoR YoU Is GiVe YoU ThE MeRcY Of DeAtH BeFoRe YoU BeCoMe WoRsE." I tell the Sans seriously.

  The Sans slumps. "It's finally over then? No more resets?" They ask.

  "No more resets. You can join Papyrus and the others and rest." I tell them. They fall to their knees as tears slide down their face.

  I give them a moment, as they sob in relief. After a few minutes they calm down. They stand back up. "Can you lead me to the others left? I need to make sure that no one is left so when I destroy the universe no one falls into the VOID." I explain. Sans nods.

  "No problem. I'll lead you to the throne room. The few survivers left are there." Sans explains leading me there. I follow behind them.

  Within a moment we enter the room. I see a few monsters here and there. All of them are in various states of corruption. Some worse than others. They look up in curiosity as I follow Sans to the throne where the King sits. "Yo, King Fluffy Bun. Your gonna want to hear this." Sans says.

  King Asgore looks up. Sans explains why I am hear. He sits up straighter. "Who might you be stranger exactly?" He asks me.

  "CaLl Me ErRoR. I'm JuSt HeRe To StOp ThE CoRrUpTiOn Of YoUr UnIvErSe FrOm SpReAdInG. I DoN't KnOw HoW MuCh YoU KnOw AbOuT WhAt's GoInG On, BuT ThE HuMaN DaMaGeD YoU AlL AnD YoUr WoRlD BeYoNd AnY HeLp. I'vE CoMe To GiVe YoU ThE OnLy MeRcY I CaN BeFoRe YoU AlL FaLl InTo ThE VOID DuRiNg ItS DeStRuCtIoN." I tell him sadly.

  "Is there really no saving us?" The tired king asks.

  "SaDlY NoT. If I TrIeD To MoVe AnY Of YoU SoMeWhErE ElSe It WoUlD JuSt SpReAd ThE CoRrUpTiOn To ThErE. I CaN OnLy GrAnT YoU A QuIcK AnD PeAcEfUl FiNaL ReSt." I tell him. Asgore sighs.

  "Alright let me tell my subjects and we can proceed." Asgore says. He stands up from his throne.

  It was sad watching him explain to his subject the situation. Many cried, others were resigned, and some just fell to dust right then and there. Once everything settled down, I looked to the king. He nodded his head and I got to work. It was always hard to do this part. I don't think I could ever get used to it, but it was better than the alternative. Soon, only Sans and Asgore we're left.

  "Thank you," were Sans final words. Then there was only Asgore. I looked to the goat monster.

  "I wish that you find love and hope, our angel of mercy." Asgore tells me.

  " I AlReAdY HaVe." I tell him. Then I was alone.

  I pull up the code for the Au and undo a string of code. Soon the Au starts to fall apart around me. I open up a portal and step through. One down, one-hundred and fifty-seven to go. I feel something wet going down my face. I rub my hand against it to feel tears. I ignore them and continue to work.




Evolution of a Reincarnation Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora