Ch.12 Goodbyes

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We stayed there for the whole night on the ground watching the stars. Just enjoying each other's company. But, there was one more thing I wanted to do before Reaper left. "Hey Reapy, can you help me with something before you go. I don't know if I could do it on my own." I ask him.

He looks at me, smiling at the nickname. "Sure. We have a good amount of time. What is it?" He asks.

"I need you to go tell Chara to meet us at the flower patch in Home, while I prepare something on the surface. I'll meet you there." I tell him.

We get up. Reaper goes to do what I ask, while I open up a portal back into the SAVE SCREEN. I walk through. Once I'm there, I go over to Frisk's wrapped body and carefully pick it up. I cradle it to my chest gently. Then I open another portal to the base of the mountain, on the surface of my old Au. The area I picked was a meadow full of different flowers. I walk into it. Tall grass and flowers brushed my legs as I passed. When I reach the center I lay my load down. I pull up the universe code and type in a command. I press enter. Then the ground shakes. I watch as the ground moves apart, creating a rectangular hole a few feet deep. On the other side a flat piece of stone rises from the ground. The flowers move away to create a small clearing around it all. I use my magic to lift the body from the ground into the hole. Just as I finish Reaper shows up.

"Good, I found you. Chara said they're heading there now. Though, they were curious why........ Oh, this is what you wanted to do." He was saying as he looked at what I did.

"I've been waiting to do this until I was out. I wanted to make sure Frisk got a proper funeral. Now, I just need Chara and we can do this." I say full of sadness.

"Alright. Let's get going. Chara should be there any minute." Reaper tells me.

"Let me open a portal. Your way of travel is a bit...... concerning." I say as I open one up and walk through it.

"Ya. I don't get many passengers. But, I could see how the whispers of the damned can be upsetting." He says following me through.

We enter into the beginning of the underground. I see Chara waiting with Asriel. They notice me coming. "Sorry. I didn't mean for Azzy to come. But, he ended up noticing me sneaking away. He wouldn't stay behind. I hope it's ok if he comes with us." Chara tells me as said monster hides behind them shyly.

"It's fine. We're just going to the surface for a bit. We have something there to do, and I knew you'd want to come." I told them.

"Who are you? How can you go to the surface with the barrier up? How do you know Chara? I've never seen you before." Asriel says rapidly.

"One question at a time. Chara and I go way back. We're practically siblings. I'm able to make portals to any place, but I can't bring everyone. It's hard to explain. This is a special case." I explain to him.

"Ya. Just don't worry about it Azzy. But just think! We get to go to the surface for a little while! Cool right!" Chara exclaims. Asriel nods his head.

"Alright, let's get going." I say as I lead them back through.

Soon we all are in the clearing. Chara looks around. Asriel is looking at everything full of excitement and curiosity. Chara notices the hole and stone.
"Are we doing what I think we're doing?" they ask solemnly.

" Yes. We need to say goodbye to an old friend. I thought you'd want to come." I tell them. They nod their head.

"Who are we saying goodbye to and what's in the hole?" Asriel asks.

"You know when a monster dies they dust. Humans are different. They aren't made of magic so their body is left behind. Chara and I had a friend who was hurt by a really bad person. We took care of them, but it was too late save our friend. We're just saying our final goodbyes and putting them to rest by burying them. It's a human tradition. Like monsters spreading dust on the objects of love ones." I explain.

Evolution of a Reincarnation Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora