Ch.22 Picking Up The Pieces

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The corruption covering their body receded to uncovered a white skeleton. They were wearing a purple tunic and black pants. They had a golden crown with a crescent moon on their skull. They were barefoot. The eyelight that was covered glowed purple, while the other remained cyan. They made their way towards me. Once they were standing in front of me, they gently grabbed it from me and switched out their crown for it. They looked at me and smiled shyly.

"My name's Nightmare."



I look at Nightmare. I don't know why, but my soul is urging me to stay close and protect them. I'll have to figure it out later. "Well Nightmare, why don't you join me. It gets lonely being by myself, and I'm sure we could both use the company." I tell him. Nightmare seems to think about it for a moment, then takes a seat in front of me.

I start to make another flower crown, as Nightmare just sits and watches me. I pick some blue and red flowers this time. After a bit, Nightmare picks a few flowers as well. He picked them in the colors cyan, yellow, and red. We weaved in comfortable silence. When I was finished, I was happy to see this one came out better. I plan on giving this one to Life as a thank you. Nightmare taps on me on my knee. I flinch, as I glitch from the contact. Nightmare jumps at the glitches and errors that appear. I bring my hands up trying to placate them. My glitches settle down. I clear my nonexistent throat. "It's ok. I just have a condition that makes me glitch from physical contact. I can control it a bit, but you surprised me." I explain.

"Sorry, Error. I was trying to get your attention. I made this for you." Nightmare says. They hold out the flower crown they made.

It warmed my soul, that Nightmare made it for me. It made the feeling to protect them stronger. I carefully grabbed the crown and placed it on my head. "Thank you, sweets. How do I look?" I say making a silly pose. Nightmare giggles.

"You look pretty. I've never seen another skeleton other than my brother, until you and Mr. Reaper showed up. I didn't know they could be black either." Nightmare says to me. They seemed sad at the topic of their brother.

"Thanks for the compliment. I like to describe myself as exotic. I'm one of a kind. At least in this multiverse. Did Reaper take you with me when we were in your Au?" I say.

"Ya, he was really nervous about touching me for some reason, but managed to bring me here with you two. Were you the one who saved me?" Nightmare asks. I nod my head.

" Ya, that was me. I'm sorry I couldn't get to you sooner, but I had been kidnapped and trapped for a really long time by a deity called Fate. I had only just escaped a little bit before I came to your universe. That's only because some other deities and Reaper never stopped looking for me. My imprisonment caused my appearance to look like this and I lost a lot of my memories. I also get these glitches that act up like you saw. I always planned on coming to help you, even before I was taken. I didn't like the fate that was written for you." I explain. Nightmare seems to sympathetic and understanding with me.

"It's ok. It's not your fault. You still came to help me. Life explained that what happened wasn't in my control, so not to feel guilty about it. So, you can't feel guilty either. We're the same." Nightmare tells me.

"Your right sweets. Fate screwed us both over, so it's not our fault. What happened wasn't in our control, but what we do next is. The two of us have reached a nexus. We've already met our fates, now we can decide our destinies. The choice is ours." I tell them, as my voice takes on the strength and power of my divinity.

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