Ch.19 Found

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I wake up to the smell of nature. I was light and refreshing. Flowers and wet earth  mixed together in perfect harmony. I could feel I was laying on something soft. I shift a bit, and groan. That hurt. I can now tell my ribs are wrapped in bandages. I hear shuffling. I crack one of my eyesocket. Oh, I don't have my goggles. Looks like I'm going in blind, literally. I sit myself up wincing at the pain. "No! No! Don't sit up! Your injuries haven't fully healed and your suffering from magic exhaustion! Lay back down on the bed!" I hear a feminine voice exclaim.

  "I CaN DeFiNiTeLy TeLl ThAt ThEy ArEn'T HeAlEd. I FeEl I'vE BeEn ThRoWn FrOm A Cliff AnD HiT EvErY RoCk On ThE WaY DoWn." I say, laying back down on the now identified bed. Definitely softer than Outer's coach. I start to quietly clear my voice. The glitches weren't to bad so I must not have been out long.

  "That's definitely the magic exhaustion. Honestly the only reason you didn't dust is all the DETERMINATION in your soul. How you aren't dead just from your levels alone is something I don't understand." The feminine voice said.

  "I DoN't HaVe An AnSwEr FoR ThAt. I'm SuFfeRiNg FrOm AmNeSiA AnD DoN't ReMember all the science behind that. Sorry, I'm being rude. My name is Error. Use she/her or they/them pronouns. I would say it's nice to see you, but I can't very well from across the room without my goggles. I'm nearsighted." I tell them voice better.

  "Oh! You sound much better. Here, dear. Can't have you not being able to see. My name is Toriel, but you can call me Life. I use female pronouns." Toriel or Life, tells me as she comes over and hands me my goggles. I put them on.

  Life was a white bi-pedal goat with red eyes. She wore a pink flowing gown and flower crown on her head. She let off feelings of calm and motherly affection. She reminded me of someone, but I couldn't quite place it. I seemed to be in a room with relatively simple light wood decor. The bed, a dresser, side table, and desk is all it contained.  "Can you tell me how long I was out and where I am? I'm pretty sure I'm not anywhere near where I passed out." I ask.

  "Well, my friend that brought you here, refers to our universe as Reapertale. As for how long you've been out, only two days. I honestly expected you to be out for at least a month, but your magic reserves are recovering rapidly. Also, likely due to your DETERMINATION. If Reaper hadn't explained to me how you got them, I wouldn't believe it. Then again, he also explained you were a god so that makes it more possible." Life tells me.

  "Ya, I had to read that all from a journal. Hey, did you mention a Reaper. I've been looking for a person named that. I can't remember them too well, but I know they were important to me." I say hopeful.

  "Oh dear, Reaper will be very upset about the severity of your amnesia. He was absolutely devastated when he found out you were missing. The poor fellow blamed himself for not being there to help you. He's been searching for you every spare moment since he found out. We were lucky to be able to identify you thanks to your jewelry, clothing, and bone structure. Even with the inverted coloring. Though, he said your magic signature is very different than it use to be. Though not completely changed. I can also see your eyelights are the right colors, even with the red eyesockets. The only thing left to check is the ecto-hair, but I don't want you using the magic to summon it." Life tells me.

  "Well I'm happy someone was looking for me. I was stuck in a white void with no way to escape. I couldn't use most of my magic. As soon as a portal with familiar magic opened up, I took the way out. When I started recalling my memories I started my search for Reaper. I remembered enough about him to know he would be in areas with lots of death. So, I started looking for someone that would have it around them. Which led me to Dreamtale. I'm not sure if it was lucky or not, but Nightmare was still there. Which led to me exorcising the spirit possessing them and my current condition. Speaking of which what happened to the spirit and Nightmare?" I say to her. She looked at with sympathy.

  "Well, Reaper took the long overdue soul for judgement. As for Nightmare, he's currently spending time in the garden. He's still trying to process everything that happened to him and figure out what to do from here on. Destroying your world and having your twin trapped in stone is a lot for someone to face." Life says full of sympathy. I nod in agreement.

  I would talk to him the first chance I get. It really wasn't his fault that all happened. I would blame it on the work of Fate. As a being of negativity, the odds were stacked against him from the beginning. What he chooses to do after this though, will likely be one of the deciding factors of the path the multiverse takes. I start to think about what I'm supposed to do from here. I started recalling about what I read and remember about Error Sans. Who they are exactly differs from multiverse to multiverse. They could be a normal monster and sibling to Fresh and Geno. An insane destroyer of universes. Or a forced god of destruction. Even all three. I was Geno before I was Error. I'm relatively sane all things considered, though I definitely am due for a psychotic breakdown. I can't say if I'm a forced god of destruction quite yet. I was definitely kidnapped by someone and trapped in the white void with voices to torture me. Now that I'm starting to recall, I think the white void was named the Anti-Void. The voices though, they said it was my fate to destroy universes. The only reason that would be a thing is if the multiverse had started to reach capacity. That shouldn't be possible unless someone was creating more universes. Based on the fact that Dreamtale was recently destroyed, it couldn't have been more than a few hundred years since I was trapped. That's not enough time for it to fill up on its own with only alternative timelines.

  I hear a knock coming from the door of the room.  I turn my head as I see the door open. In walks a tall skeleton wearing an all black robe. Beautiful black wings were folded behind them. I feel the familiar magic coming off of him. It's like I finally found home. I sit up. I could feel tears flowing down my face. We look into eachother's eyelights. Memories and emotions run through my mind and soul. There was only one thing I could say.

"I missed you, Reaps."

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