Stay with me pt.3

Start from the beginning

"So Dorothea in our last session you spoke about having memories you don't remember. Can you explain?" Ellie says. Theo purses her lips "look it's weird and I don't understand it, but I have these urges or memories that I know aren't mine. I have a memory of getting married but I never did. I have never been that girl to want to get married. I remember wanting to have kids but I know the Dorothea before death never wanted that. I think it's the reason why my relationships always failed" Theo sighs.

"Can you remember who you were married to?" Ellie asks. ", it's just a memory of me in a white dress looking around at the venue. My spouse is blurry" Theo leans back in her chair. "I do remember having a serious ex-girlfriend though."

Billie POV:

While y/n-Theo is having her session with Ellie there's a knock at the door "coming" I swing it open expecting it to be Cordelia but it's not. "Hi" there's a woman with long brunette hair, green eyes and a tall slim figure. "Hi? How can I help you?" I ask unsure of who this stranger is. "Um is Theo here? I'm Ella, her ex-girlfriend. I've been out of town for about a month for work and I came back as fast as I could after I heard about the incident. I'm her emergency contact, the hospital told me you checked her out" she shows me a picture of her and Theo smiling as her Lock Screen.
"Oh uh yeah, come in" Ella enters and looks around. "Theo is in the middle of a therapy session but she should be done in a few minutes." Ella nods "okay thank you." I sit on the couch while Ella stands awkwardly "come, sit" Ella thanks me as she sits across from me on the couch. "So I'm afraid to ask is she?" I force a smile "she's fine, she's having trouble remembering but she's alive and well." Ella releases a breath of relief "thank god. I was so worried. Since I got the call from the hospital I've been sick to my stomach. I got two weeks off work just so I can make sure she's okay." I give a sad smile and just then "Billie!" Theo calls out. "In here" she walks in the room fiddling with her fingers and freezes as she sees Ella.

"Hey" Ella stands and makes a beeline for Theo, who stands there a little shocked as she's engulfed in a hug. Theo wraps her arms around Ella and I feel my heart clench. Ellie walks out and sees the scene. She looks at me and I walk towards the kitchen. "I was just about to tell you" Ellie says as I search for my corkscrew. "Yeah I kinda figured it out on my own." I pop open the bottle and don't even bother grabbing a glass. "Billie" I place the bottle down and lick my lips "y/n is in there. Theo is just trying to figure things out, make sense of things. But this woman. She could be a major issue" I sigh and wipe the silent tears from my cheeks "hey billie?" Theo calls from the doorway. "Yeah?" I sniffle and turn to face her

Ella is standing behind her "I'll wait in the car." Theo nods and walks up to me. She cups my cheeks and wipes my tears "no crying, your too pretty to cry" I choke back a sob and nod. Theo smiles and says "I'm going out with Ella, I'll be back later okay?" I nod "okay." Ellie places a hand on my back and pulls me into her shoulder as Theo walks out "bye" as soon as I hear the door shut I break down. "Shhhh billie" I hide my face in her chest and wail "it's not fair!" Ellis rubs my back and strokes my hair. "It's not fair! Y/n's sprit saves Ellas girlfriend but where's my wife!"
I ended up crying myself to sleep on Ellie's lap and woke up the next morning. I take a long hot, tearful shower and head downstairs after getting ready, trying to make myself appealing to y/n. As I enter the kitchen Theo is standing by the stove, she turns to place eggs on two plates and jumps "Jesus! Billie you scared me." I smile "sorry honey" Theo gives me a look, the same look y/n would give me every-time I would call her a pet name. Theo shakes her head and places the eggs on the plates. "There's coffee on the table I kinda guessed how you would like it. Also, I hope you don't mind I broke in here and made breakfast." I smile and shake my head "it's fine I don't mind"

I take a sip of the coffee and hum "just how I like it" Theo places a plate in front of me "really? I had a feeling" she smiles and places her plate before me, in y/n's chair. She takes a napkin and places it on her lap "have a habit of dropping food on yourself?" I ask. Theo nods "yes" I smile sadly "so did y/n" Theo looks down and takes a sip of her coffee. We eat in silence a few moments before I break it "how'd it go with Ella last night?" Theo smiles "pretty good. I haven't seen her in a while so we caught up and had dinner. Trying to you know fix the holes in my memory"

I nod "this is really good" I say referring to the food. "Thank you. I don't know why I decided to make breakfast I never really was much of a cook" I take a sip of my coffee and smile. Theo stops eating and looks up at me "Billie can I ask you something?" I swallow "sure." "How is it I remember little mundane things but I don't remember things about me and Ella, major things. In my head I remember wanting to have kids." "And Ella didn't?" I ask. "No said she did but this big memory break through Im having is wrong. She's gotta be right, she sounds right. I'm being the typical young lesbian dragging my heels." I cut her off "not all young lesbians are like that. My wife wasn't. I was always the one dragging my heels but y/n...she-she wanted everything your remembering. Which has to mean something right?" She furrows her brows and tilts her head "who to Ella?" I shake my head "no to's none of my business but maybe you-you shouldn't listen to what everyone else says. You know who you are...and when you start believing that you'll get back to you."

"To what? Being like y/n committed, confident enough in the world to bring another human being into It? But you know, I never was so pretending like I was is just wishful thinking."

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