Chapter 32 - Class 1B

Start from the beginning

"Yes, Vlad King!" Class 1-B cried out, excited to show off their strength. In the public eye, Class 1-B is seen as weaker than Class 1-A by essentially everyone. As a result, they take any opportunity they are given to prove themselves better than Class 1-A.

"Ha, ha! Yes! The teachers are finally realizing that we are superior to Class 1-A!" Monoma cried out, laughing in self-absorbed arrogance. "We can finally show everyone how weak Class 1-A really are!"

A voice. "No. You won't." Class 1-B went silent, searching for the owner of the voice. "You think you will be training under my guidance to become stronger, don't you? Well, this train of thought is foolish." A dark figure jumped out from the group. It landed right next to Vlad King, before turning back to Class 1-B. "My name is Deku, and in my lessons, you will learn how to survive. Any strength you gain along the way is merely a means to that end. Understand?"

Class 1-B fell silent. Their new teacher was wearing a white costume with grey stripes running horizontally running across his chest. He also wore a scarf similar to Aizawa's. Their new teacher emanated strength and danger, yet he had been able to hide his presence from them, despite being smack dab in the middle of the group.

"Hey, who's that?" Tsu asked Ururaka, pointing at the white-clad figure.

"I don't know. Maybe a guest speaker?" Ururaka guessed.

"Hold on, class," Aizawa said, halting everyone. "I want you to watch Class 1-B for a moment. It'll help show you how strong you've grown." Class 1-A was intrigued, so they stopped and watched this new figure interact with 1-B.

"Oh, come on," yelled a voice from the back of the group. "How can you be our teacher? You're the same age as us." The group parted to show who was talking. Due to his research, Deku identified the speaker as Togaru Kamikiri, a student of Class 1-B who could produce razor sharp blades from any part of his body. He also possesses an attitude similar to that of Bakugo.

"I am indeed your age." Deku saw no need to deny this fact. "However, do not believe that you can determine my strength from that one factor."

"What strength?" Togaru jeered. "If Class 1-A is getting taught by teenagers, it's a miracle they're better than us."

"Yeah, I could beat you with my eyes closed," claimed Tetsutetsu, a student who could turn his skin to steel.

"You're probably so weak, Principal Nezu figured you weren't good enough for Class 1-A and shifted you to us. What a loser!" Monoma laughed, never realizing he was insulting himself in the process.

These comments started to compound Class 1-B's competitive spirit, all of them underestimating their new teacher.

Their first mistake.

"So, you think I'm weak, hmm?" a voice said. The entirety of Class 1-B was silenced, a primal sense of fear permeating their entire sense of self. Class 1-A recognized this sensation and realized who the white-clad instructor was, amazed at how surprisingly well it suited him. "You think you have what it takes to be Number 1, hmm?" Class 1-B all turned to what was left of their new teacher, terrified of the beast that stood before them. "What's wrong? Scared stiff? Where's all that bravado you had before?" Class 1-B tried to respond, but their bodies wouldn't respond. "You really are pathetic."

"Grr, SHUT UP!" Togaru yelled, his teeth clenched in determination.

"Ha haa, YES!" Deku yelled, "Someone strong! Fight me! Show me your strength! SHOW MY YOUR BLOOD!" Togaru tried to fight back but he never stood a chance. He couldn't even produce his blades. One punch to the gut was all it took for the shock to consume him, and he fainted. 

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