Inosuke Hashibira

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Word count : 475

Manga Spoilers present in this chapter
His backstory is kinda all over the place😅 sorry







Inosuke Hashibira was born on April 22 in the Taisho period.

His Mother's name is Kotoha Hashibira she was a single mother and didn't have much money so she decided to find help. Unfortunately for her, the help she found was in Uppermoon two Doma. She obviously didn't know he was a demon and decided to stay with him. Kotaha had a very good relationship with Doma as she continued to live with him. He almost became a father figure to Inosuke, however one day Kotoha found Doma in a room eating a human corps. He tried to explain but she ran, Doma sighed and had no choice to kill her. Right before he did tho Kotaha dropped Inosuke off a cliff into a river. A day past and Insouke was found floating down the river by a mother boar who had just recently lost her own child.

For the next 15 years Inosuke was raised by the pack of Boars. Leaving him with virtually zero social skills due to the very limited human interaction. However, when he was nearly one year old he crawled around like a baby boar for hours. Eventually finding a cabin in the woods containing a old man and his grandson . For the next five or so months he continued to craw back to the cabin. The elderly man waited every time and greeted him outside, the grandson was never happy to see the child. He always tried to kick him out and was always successful. After a month of being kicked out of the house Inosuke never came back to the cabin leaving the two in peace.

Later in his life he lived on the mountain's he encountered multiple demon slayers and challenged all of them to a battle. The two that chose to fight him lost and had to give up their swords, and that's literally the sorry as to how he got two Nichirin blades.
When Inosuke was learning Beast Breathing he always watched three different animals: Boars, Bears, and Wolfs. Simply to get an idea as to what he wanted his fighting style to be like.
After he learned about what Demon Slayers did he decided that he wanted to be one. So he found Final selection and finished the test in record timing. That's the reason we never saw him. Zenitsu however said he once heard him, but Inosuke was too fast for him to see at the time.
Then after leaving and becoming a demon slayer he did what he did best....he was chaotic as crap😂 but in all honesty he killed a few demons before being trapped in the former Lower-moon's house and meeting the main duo at the time. Tanjiro and Zenitsu😌

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