Muzan Kibutsuji

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Word Count : 515

Muzan Kibutsuji was born during the Heian Era of ancient Japan to a noble family. Ever since he was in his mother's womb, Muzan was extremely frail and weak. The menace of death constantly haunted him: his heart stopped more than a few times when he was a developing fetus, he was declared a stillborn upon birth due to having no pulse or breath. Had Muzan not wailed aloud, he could have been immolated at the funeral pyre. He lived through his childhood until his frailty persisted into adulthood, preventing him from doing standard physical daily activities. Muzan was diagnosed with a very rare unnamed illness and should have died at the age of 20. His doctor then traveled all around Japan and found the mystical Blue Spider Lily. Using it as part of his medicine seemingly cured Muzan, but the doctor's cure was incomplete and Muzan still suffered occasional relapses. Muzan, having lived in fear of death throughout his whole life, mistakenly believed his doctor was a failure and killed him out of rage.

However, as time went on, Muzan eventually realized that he had become better physically and the doctor's medicine was indeed working, but he was unable to walk in the sun anymore. Muzan also realized that he had cravings for human flesh as sustenance; Muzan had now become a man-eating Demon. Needless to say, his family was the first to fall victim to his grisly appetite. Although the now-Demon Muzan quickly adapted to his new life and had no qualms about feeding on humans, the thought that he had to avoid the sun wounded his ego. He searched the entire country for the Spider Lily to overcome his weakness to the sun, but he was still unable to find it (since the Blue Spider Lily only blooms at daytime two or three days a year, and when it does, it only blooms for a short period of time and then it closes back up, resembling that of a big horsetail weed. In some cases, depending on the climate or environment, the Blue Spider Lily didn't even bloom at all. This explains why Muzan Kibutsuji never found it despite searching all over Japan for centuries, as he would have been unable to go out during the daytime as Muzan would burn into ashes if he was exposed to sunlight) and the only person who knew anything about the Blue Spider Lily - namely the doctor - was dead.Even after becoming a powerful Demon, Muzan considered himself imperfect and wanted to somehow get rid of his weakness of sunlight. With the search for Blue Spider Lily going nowhere, Muzan chose another option: create demons strong enough to walk in the sunlight. That's why he decided to reluctantly utilize his demon blood to sire as many Demons as he could. Muzan hoped that one day there would be a demon that would be able to walk in the sunlight without burning themselves into ashes and he could then devour them to gain their Daywalking abilities, allowing himself to be immune in sunlight.

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