Daki & Gyutaro

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Word count : 780

Gyutaro was born into poverty within the lowest class of the Entertainment District. His mother would often beat and try to kill him even before he was born due to a failed attempt at a miscarriage since she could not afford to feed him. However, every attempt at Gyutaro's life failed, and his mother was never able to finish him off. He always stayed out of the house and ran around the Entertainment District, and throughout his childhood, he was berated for his appearance, voice, and poor hygiene by the other residents of the district. Without money and food, he was forced to eat insects and mice, which he killed with his only toy, a customer's forgotten sickle. He lived like this for 13 years until his younger sister Ume was born. She was the light of both Gyutaro's and their mother's life, however, months after Ume was born their mother died of the disease syphilis. This disease is also a  possible explanation for Gyutaro's Grotesk appearance because she also had this disease while pregnant with him. But it is unlikely due to the fact that the mother's illness was even worst when she was pregnant with Ume and she was born as beautiful as an Oran. The first time Gyutaro saw his little sister he immediately knew that she was going to be his pride, and that's exactly what happened. She became his source of self-pride and self-confidence. Additionally, because of her beauty, when she came of age she started to work in a brothel, and Gyutaro became a "Collecter" to all the people who worked with Ume, and because she was so popular everyone started to fear Gyutaro because he got a bad reputation for being a very violent Collecter. 

After Daki turned thirteen, Gyutaro was returning home from work one day. Only to discover his sister tied up, burned to near death, and left to die in a ditch because she half-blinded a samurai with a hairpin. Upon seeing his only meaning of joy Gyutaro jumped into the ditch and began to panic, tearfully demanding that his sister be turned back to normal while cradling her body, threatening to kill the gods while he did so. While embracing his dying sister, the same samurai whom she blinded appeared, snuck up behind Gyutaro, and brought his katana down onto his back in an attempt to kill him. As Gyutaro lay in the dirt heartbroken, he overheard the samurai speaking to Ume's brothel manager, revealing that she was the one who asked to have Gyutaro killed. However, before the samurai could kill them, Gyutaro managed to jump out of the ditch despite his injury and killed the manager by stabbing her in the face with his sickle. After he killed the manager, not even turning around, he sarcastically complimented the samurai for having such a lavish lifestyle and proceeded to go into a rant about how he hated his type of people. As the samurai assumed a stance and prepared to kill him, Gyutaro continued to mock him for "whining and moaning about a lousy eyeball" and with no warning proceeded to split the samurai's face in half. 

After killing the two, Gyutaro grabbed a cloth and picked up his burn to a crisp sister, and started walking through the street, asking anyone for help as he saw someone. However no one cared and no one helped, causing Gyutaro to fall to the street out of exhaustion. 

Both he and Ume being on the verge of death was found by the Upper-Rank Six at the time, Doma, who was searching the Entertainment District to devour the young women of the area. Upon seeing the two children Doma immediately offered Gyutaro a chance at life. Gyutaro's response was an immediate yes and Doma gave them a small bit of his blood to kick-start the demon transformation. 

After becoming Demons Gyutaro and Daki stayed in the entertainment district to terrorize and feast on its inhabitants, with the siblings seemingly developing a taste of only eating from the district's finest and most beautiful geisha and oiran of the district. After a number of years of sticking to that one area and only eating from that spot. Muzan finally noticed the siblings and granted them the rank of UpperMoon 6, however, he knew Gyutaro was the stronger of the two and only considered him to have the rank. 

Within the many years until meeting Tanjiro, Gyutaro successfully killed and ate at least fifteen Hashira of the Demon Slayer Corps while his sister killed and ate seven allowing them to gain even more strength and even more support from Muzan himself.

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