Gyomei Himejima

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Word Count : 487

Gyomei Himejima was born August 23, he became blind after a sickness he had as a child.

In Gyomei's late teenage years, he lived in a temple and cared for nine children that he loved like his own. Unforchenitly for him, the Temple that Gyomei and the children lived in was located in an area highly populated with Demons. Gyomei was aware of this as Demon attacks were common and during the night he lit incense of Wisteria to ward them away, effectively keeping the children safe. Gyomei had always told the children to stay in the property line of the temple at night. 

However one night a boy from the temple broke the rules and left at sundown, and unforchenitly for him that same night a Demon was roaming around. The boy, afraid for his life told the demon to eat the other eight children in the temple along with Gyomei. So that same night, the boy went around the temple, took away the incense, and allowed the Demon into the temple. Upon entering the temple four of the children were instantly killed. At the young age of 19, Gyomei tried to protect the last four but because of his blind statice, the children didn't trust that he could protect them, causing three of the kids to run out of the temple against Gyomei's desperate protests. Because they left the protection of their elder, those three kids were killed by other demons roaming the forest. As the main demon entered the room Gyomei was in with Sayo the youngest child, Gyomei ran up to where he heard it and started hitting it as hard as he could. As Gyomei started bashing its head in he found out he had supernatural strength, and with his newfound strength, Gyomei continued to attack, but as he was in the battle the Demon used its claws and caused the scar across his forehead. Gyomei knew he had to keep the Demon away from the last of his children so he beat on it until daylight when the Demon parished in the sunlight. Soon after the Demon was killed the people of the village came to the temple after hearing the commotion. When the townspeople asked Sayo for information about what happened, the small girl scared and confused about what just happened falsely told them "This man is a monster. He killed them. He killed everyone." causing the Townspeople to think Gyomei was the one who killed the eight children. They locked him up and he was to be killed within the next week. Luckily for him, Kagaya Ubuyashiki heard what happened and intervened, allowing Gyomei to be released before he was put to death. 

Two months after Gyomei started to train he became a Demon Slayer using Stone breathing. Another few months after becoming an official Demon slayer Gyomei became the stone pillar after harsh and continuous training.

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