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Word Count : 189

Managi, as he was known as while still human, was born and lived in a village at the edge of a coastline, the village known for its fishing. When he was young, his parents went out on a fishing trip and never returned, as they would drown far out of sea. After some time, their mangled corpses washed up and appeared on the village's shore. Upon seeing his parent's bodies, Managi developed a grotesque fascination with corpses.

Villagers would often see him obsessing over fish carcasses he found, leading the entire community to ostracize him and keep their distance, believing Managi had gone insane. Eventually, a child found Managi and teased him for his unusual behavior, leading Managi to kill the child and stuff the body in a pot used for fishing. When the child's parents discovered them dead and Managi had been responsible, they stabbed him with a pronged fishing spear and left him to die on the spot.

For 12 hours, Managi would barely stay alive as his wounds ebbed his life away, up until he was discovered by Muzan Kibutsuji and transformed into a demon

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