Sanemi Shiazugawa

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Word Count : 308

Sanami Shiazugawa was born November 29th, his parents were Kyogo and Shizu Shinazugawa. He had four younger brothers and two younger sisters.

Around the age of 12, Sanami encountered his Mother who had been turned into a Demon. Before he and his "Mother" fought she had killed four of Sanami's siblings leaving one unharmed and another mortally wounded. Before she had the chance to hurt anyone else Sanami attacked and kept her away from his final sibling. Because of his extremely rare type of Marechi blood, he was able to put the Demon off focus and was able to kill her using sunlight. After he defeated the Demon Sanami's final remaining sibling Genya came running down the street and all he saw was Sanami covered in blood and his mother at his feet causing Genya to believe Sanami had murdered his own mother in cold blood. But mere seconds after accusing Sanami of murder his mother started decomposing into the Demon's ashes. As soon as the decomposing finished Genya knew he messed up, looking up into his brother's eyes all he saw was pain and betrail.

What happened after that encounter Is unknown but what is known is Sanami left and went on a murder spree. Using his Merechi blood he went around attacking Demons, incapacitating them, and tying them up putting them in the sunlight to die. Sanemi continues doing this for the next six years until he caught the eye of Ubuyashiki the leader of the Demon slayer core. After meeting Ubuyashiki, Sanemi left to partake in the Final. He survived the seven days without a problem and got to choose the material that his weapon was going to be made out of. Weeks later he got his sword and from then on, he grew up the ranks until he obtained the title Hashira.

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