Chapter 1: Catra, found and lost

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Cold.Cold and Hunger were the most prevalent among her first scattered Memories. A young half Feline Girl, not even 6 years of Age hides among rusting Garbage, rotting food Waste and whatever else the big industrial looking place no longer had any need for. Her only protection from the Elements, an old Box that at some point in Time had colorful Painting on it, had seen better days but it was all she could find.

The young Girl had a lot of questions about herself.

Why was she here?

Where was "here" even?

Why was she always alone?

With her Memory failing to give her any Answers she could only focus on one thing: Survival. She had been here for 3 Days now and had only managed to find so much in the waste.

"Tomorrow....i need to find something to eat" she thought clutching her Stomach before she lay in her Box in hope that the next Day would be better.

A loud squeal awoke her abruptly and she heard voices outside. It sounded like Children playing. Intrigued but too scared to open up the Box she lay in, she listened to the different Shouts, Grunts and Laughts wondering if she should make herself known....until there was silence.

A sudden, "did that Box just move?" startled her and made her curl up even more into a Ball. A few moments after the Box was opened by someone making the young Girl hiss out of fear and reflex before seeing who it was. A small Girl with blond Hair, a missing Tooth and light Blue Eyes was looking right at her. Her Eyes went wide and she smiled at the young Feline asking "Who are you?"

Catras POV:

A harsh CLANG rudely woke me up from my Dream....or rather a very old Memory. Wiping a few Tears from my Eyes i got up and stretched. Another dream about Her.

It has been 2 weeks since Adora left the Horde to join the Rebellion and I have found myself either dreaming about the good times....or suffering Nightmares about that day. Nightmares have always been a constant in my Life so that was not the issue. I can handle them but without someone in the same Bed it sometimes became a bit much to deal with.

The Day in Thaymor when she Replaced me the second she saw a better option. Just one more Person in my Life that abandoned me....why would that surprise anyone?

"Just get over it" I mumble to myself while I get ready for the Day. Dawning my usual Attire with the new Force Cpt. Badge at the Belt I leave the Cardet sleeping quarters to find something that would make me forget that "Dream" as soon as possible.

Nobody ever questioned it when I decided to keep sleeping on the Cot that Adora and I used to share. I tried to sleep in the Cpt. Quarters that I now had access to but that just made it impossible to find any rest.

"Hey Wildcat" I hear and sigh internally getting ready for what I knew would happen. Scorpia basically tackled me into a Bearhug that I was still convinced could kill any small Child (and some Adults for that matter) and I just let it happen at this point.

"Scorpia STOP" I yelled and was soon free and able to breathe again. I had talked to the Mountain of a Woman before about "Personal Space" but she just acted on reflex because she was a "hugger" as she would say.

"ohh sorry sorry i was just happy to see you" Scorpia beamed with a wide smile. "You see me every Day....and still never learn" I snapped back which made her lose her smile a bit."I am sorry Wildcat I try not to but I can't help myself...... oh and I meant to tell you Shadow Weaver wanted to see you." Scorpia stuttered and added the rest a bit more quietly.

"Great so this day can't get any worse '' I say scowling at the idea of having to sit through another "Lecture" from that Woman. I turn on my Heel and made my way to the black Garnet Chamber.


My very first chapter was a mess to fix XD

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