“Good morning daddy!” they bubbled happily at me; innocent smiles adorned on their faces. Oh, so they only do that when they’ve done something wrong which means they definitely did what Maya said they did. I didn’t even have to ask them.

I got a hold of Maya’s waist and turned her around, my one hand lingering there. Was it incredibly outlandish and gutsy? Hell yes it was, and I guess we can blame the testosterone that was in my system. He proximity amplified certain parts of me that it was insane how quickly I responded to her. This is indeed a very bad sign.

“Maya here says that you two of her took her stuff, which I know for a fact you did. I’d like you to give it back and apologize right now,” I told them firmly and they both looked down in shame. Goodness, these little devils! How could they do that?

They disappeared into their bedroom, leaving Maya and I in a semi-awkward position. I could have moved my hand and stepped a bit further away from her but I really didn’t want to. And judging by the way her eyes were ogling my prominent pectorals and abs, I could tell that she didn’t want to move away either. I’m so glad I decided to have my mother’s bedroom downstairs otherwise if she had walked in on us in this stance, I’d never hear the end of it.

Opening the door wider, the twins both stood in front of us with her said suitcase, phone and clothing articles. Apologising so lowly that it was barely audible, they handed back her items back to her and I’m sure I caught a glimpse of her undergarments. Noticing this, Maya excused herself and was out of sight before I could even blink but her intoxicating sweet scent still lingered in the air.

I really shouldn’t drink so much because that crap messes with my thought process. “Guys, why would you do that to Maya? Did I not say you need to be on your best behaviour all the time? I’m disappointed in you two,” I chastised them both and they looked at me with tear brimmed doe eyes. Yeah, like that was going to work.

“We’re sorry, daddy,” they whispered simultaneously. 

I sighed. Maybe I was being a bit too harsh. “It’s alright. Just don’t do it again. You need to be nice to Maya. Can you do that for me?” I asked and they nodded understandingly. For the sake of everybody’s sanity in this house, I hoped they were being truthful because I knew the full extent of their rebellion. I cannot help but wonder why they behave so strangely at times. Was it my fault?

“We promise, dad,” Aiden said affirmatively and they both rushed forward to hug my legs. 

I patted their heads. “Good. I need to go and get ready for work. I’ll see you later, my loves,” I said and kissed both their heads before heading straight for my bedroom on the opposite end of the hall.

When I opened the door, the raven-haired woman was sitting in a seductive position with the covers draped suggestively across her body. Her lip was bitten and she winked at me. “Good morning, handsome,” she purred at me and I inwardly cringed.

All of a sudden, she didn’t seem that attractive to me anymore. And the fact that she was trying hard to seduce me stirred a bit of revulsion deep within me. “Grab your stuff and get the hell out of my house,” I sliced coldly at her and her face turned at my aggression.

“But-,” she tried to interject but I responded by throwing her dress in her face. It was not very nice, but being civil wasn’t part of my random hook-ups. These ladies seem to never get that through their thick skulls. Must be because of all the stupid extensions.

“I said get out!” I barked and she scrambled out of the bed to get dressed and gather her things. Passing a nasty glare my way, she showed herself out and shut the door so harshly that I was afraid it was going to fall off. What did it ever do to her?

I rubbed my face as I looked at the wall. I didn’t like how Maya just came into my life and was now making me question my every move. She is just here to pay off a debt. These weird sensations I’m feeling towards her cannot be allowed to manifest any further. For her sake, I need to keep this urge to have her close to me at bay. A cold shower was definitely in check.

One question; how the hell am I going to successfully do that?


Good day lovely people. I'm okay, hope you all are too.

Guys, I'm in a sticky situation right now. I've got a lot of tests upcoming and I haven't adequately studied for them...the horror! And yet, I still somehow find time to update this story just for you ❤️

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By now, you must be aware that my updating schedule is every Monday and Friday without fail. I've made a promise and I'll stick to it.

Excuse any typos. Wrote this in a rush...

Au revior,

~Deetronite ❤️

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