" The Master bedroom is upstairs, Clean the whole upstairs and if not...." she trailed off getting closer to Noor with threatening gaze while Noor can only shrink under her .

" You know what I can do" she whispered threatening her with an evil smirk before she walked away. Noor felt her heart beating in fear. It always has been beating in fear ever since she stepped foot on this place .

There is no one Noor could turn to for help even the butler and Maya wishes to help her because she is such a kind hearted soul to be living and treated like a trash but they were also helpless.

Suzy warned her that if she ever disobeys her, with one word from her mouth she can make Leonardo sell her at an auction or make her work as a prostitute.

Helplessly she has no choice but to listen to her every word Suzy commands.

What did she do to deserve being treated as such?? She has never made any enemity with anyone! Why would she be sent to such place where she will be walking to Hell fire with her own two feet?!

An anxious sigh escaped from Noor's quivering lips as she sees Suzy's figure disappearing from her sight.

At this time of life, how she desperately wishes she has some kind of superpower within her that she could use to save herself. Just like in movies where the protagonist suddenly gets a power in their most desperate moment but unfortunately this is no movie .

Noor first began to clean Suzy's room , on her way to the room, she realized there is no much people living in this humongous place except she, the butler, Maya and Suzy. She never stumbled upon those guys that brought her here nor saw Leonardo after that day. 

Why make such a big house if they won't even live in?

As Noor entered Suzy's room its not surprise that it's still a total mess whenever she comes to clean. Tissue papers, plain papers, dirty clothes on the ground, messed up open cupboard, splattered makeup ......  

She lifted her sore hand leaving a faint red on her pale skin because of the hot steamed tea and clenches it while closing her eyes encouraging herself that she can handle this pain because she has gone through worst.

" Another hectic day"

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After an hour or so of cleaning up the room it was finally over and Noor finished it with a wipe of the sweat off her forehead with her covered arms.

She looked at the clock on the mini table beside the bed , showing the time 6 'o' clock timing as she sigh.

There is thirty minutes left before her Maghrib prayer (Sunset prayer) and Noor is fighting between whether to clean the first floor first or wait till she prays her Maghrib Prayer and then clean .

Well she wants to clean the first floor first so that she can taker her time in praying her prayer but she have to clean also before Suzy returns and for that she has to pray a bit fast which she doesn't like.

While praying, the body and clothes must be clean and since Noor is dirty and sweaty from all the cleaning she decided to choose the cleaning first.

And taking showers after every work was a waste of her clothes which she doesnt have much to begin with.

All she had were two set of clothing... one which is hers that she wore when being dragged to this hell of a place and the other that she borrowed from Maya , a brown long sleeves pajama for sleeping but Noor turned it to daily clothes, while returning the simple short sleeves knee length gown that she first gave.

As Noor walked the stairs to the first floor with the vacuum, there were three doors of different room.

She let out a deep exhalation seeing the many works that just piled up infront of her.

" Where should we start first" she mutters to herself and decided to go to the nearest room infront of her.

It was like a mini gym with different exercise and sports equipment, there was not much to clean but only dusting off the dust by the duster and good thing she brought it with her.

" Lets free you off Mr.Dust" she starts before brushing the dusts off the equipments and machine in the room and soon vacuumed the place.

Unplugging the vaccum from the electric socket, Noor stepped out of the gym room closing the door behind after cleaning inside and turned to next mahogany door for the cleaning.

Luckily the soreness on her hand seemed to be subsiding a little and with the cleaning it distracted her from feeling any pain.


The next room door's for cleaning was opened. It was a dark room with dim lights only seen. Noor was at first hesitant to enter because her senses are saying not to enter this room but yet again she can't do that.

She gulps a lump as her eyes scans the room and only faint outline of furnitures were seen. 

Lights! I should switch on the lights! 

Noor entered the room without leaving the wall taking it as a guide till she finds the light switch incase she walks aimlessly and stumbles upon something and breaks it. 


The solid touch of a small rectangular box was felt and Noor tried to press it hoping its the light switch , luckily but unluckily it was but a purple night light being switched on instead.

Somehow with little light Noor was feeling safe but still the anxious feeling was still present in her and just as she was exhaling relaxing her stiffed body a tight grip cupping both her wrist against the wall startled her as she gasped. 

" What the fuck are you dong here?!" masculine but yet full of venom was heard by the person who was gripping Noor as he tightened the grip around Noor's slim wrist surfacing the previous burning pain to felt yet again.

Noor winced lowly holding her voice as her body began to tremble in fear. Is this it? Is she going to be killed?? Is she going to die?? Noor can't help but think negative due to the intense fear she is having and the sense of glare from the person behind her is giving.

In a swift she turned facing the person but Noor kept her eyes shut whimpering and in the verge of crying her legs trembling wanting to give out the strength but she holds for it.

" I-I am s-sorry please "

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☆ Hey! I hope the story is not boring >~<! Its actually exciting if you go i to the character and trust me it's worth it!

☆ I actually don't mind if you drop a comment on how the story is or give a feedback. It would really encourage me though.

Have a nice day and Happy reading ;).

Word count: 1830.

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