Chapter 72

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"You're a friend."


"How did I lose three times in a row?!" I shouted, clearly surprised by the outcome of the game. Me, Sun and moon were currently playing exploding kittens. Sun had just won the game. "Yay! I won!" He cheered. Moon chuckled, "Perhaps it's in a sense we're .. very good at games like this, y/n." Moon suggests. I frowned, looking down at the cards. "Damn." I mumbled. Sun looked at us, "Do we want a round four?" He asks.

I shake my head, "I would love too, but my back is killing me. I think I need a break, then let's see if there's any other games to play." Sun nodded, taking the cards and cleaning up already. "Clean up, clean up..." he muttered, like he does everyday. Seriously. He mutters it under his breath -whenever there's a mess!! It's like.. his own little catchphrase.

Moon moves to my side. "May I?" He asks for consent. I was confused, but said yes out of my own curiosity. Moon went behind me, slowly picking me up and laying me down on the ground. "Just relax, y/n. And breathe normally." He slowly started to massage my back. "Holy shit that's amazing.." I satisfyingly said, feeling the relief of my back pain. He wasn't too rough, no, but firm with my back. He was gentle with me though, keeping in mind of my past scars.

"Language, y/n." Sun reminds, standing up and leaving to put away the cards. "Sunnnn there isn't any kids around! I'm fineeeee!" I called out toward him. "Shh.. we know how he is." Moon strokes my back. "Besides, we're daycare attendants. We're mainly- Erm. We're suppose to be family friendly for the children. We know how that turned out.." he muttered. I felt him stiffen for a slight moment before continuing.

"I know. I don't blame you two.. though, that makes you more of a person. Mistakes and such.. uh. Shit, I don't know what I was going to say. Something really deep and stuff." Moon stopped and lifted me up towards him. He held me close to his chest. "You're so.. mine..~" he laughs darkly. I noticed a slight glitch in his voice. Raising a brow, I pushed him away. I stare into his eyes, waiting for his response. He hadn't said anything else.

"Y/N~ I WANT KISSESS!" Sun rushed over, hearing his bells jingle loudly. He jumped, pinning me to the ground. "HI! I want some affection from my y/n too!" His loud voice rung in my ears. "Sunny.." Sun gasps and got off of me, then helped me onto my feet. "Now.. please?" He asks. I smile and nodded, "Alright, come here big guy!" Sun giggles, already covering me with multiple kisses. "MWAH MWAH MWAH!" He laughs in between.

Sun suddenly stopped, looking at his brother. "Moon?" He tilts his head. Moon shrugged, walking over to us. He patted suns head, yet went ahead to give me a small kiss. Not on the lips. Not on the cheek, but my forehead. "Aww.. you guys are so sweet." I compliment. "Too bad we can't do this in the daytime." Sun whines. "Well, we don't want the children actively seeing us being this way." Moon pointed out. "And it would be.. quite a hassle. We all know how talkative and imaginative kids can be."

"They already think I'm married to you two!" I laugh. Though, I stopped laughing right away once they didn't find it funny. "As they should." "MHM!" I cleared my throat. "Wait, what?" Maybe I heard them wrong. "Nope! Sounds good to me! I don't mind being married to y/n!" Sun smiles brightly at me. "I don't see why not.." moon softly said. "But we aren't even .. wait, are we dating?" I questioned.

Moon shakes his head, "Starlight, you said you needed time. Besides, I agree with that you initially said. We want to be sure of our feelings. even though I already know I love you..." he muttered the last part, looking away. Sun nods, "Sunshine, just know that we'll be ready once you're ready! Don't rush yourself just because of how things are now! We want you to be ready for a committed relationship to us, and we want you to be sure as we are! We love you!"

"AW.. guys, you're sweet. But, you guys don't tell the kids we're all dating, right?" I asked. "No, no reason why we should." Moon shrugs. "Besides, remember we weren't in control for a hot minute. Or worked in the daycare for a while. Although, I am looking forward to living here again." Moon faces towards Sun. "I don't tell kids my personal business!" I sigh softly, thinking about the children in the daycare.


"Oh, guys I need to find Gregory. I need to make sure he's ok." I stretched, looking at the time on my phone... 11:15 PM. "It's late, I'm pretty sure I need to make sure they're ok." Sun gasps. "Oh jeez! I almost forgot about that little troublemaker! We better go find him then!" I shake my head. "I think I'll just find him myself." I said, already heading toward the exit.

"NO!!" I hear both their voices intertwined with each other. I jumped, hearing the loud voices. "Ah! Sorry y/n. But please, that isn't entirely safe. We still have Vanny around and the whole.." sun waves his hands around. "And we don't want you getting controlled again, y/n." Moon stated. "But-" they both ran towards me, already clinging to me. "Nope!" "Sorry, no." They smiled, their not so innocent smile.

"Fine, fine. Let me just call Gregory. He should have his phone on him." I pull out my phone, going onto my contacts. Searching Gregory's name, I proceeded to call him. Hearing the phone ring, I walk out the daycare with the two. Sun hummed along to my phone ringer (y'all.. you better not have anything inappropriate.. istg..) skipping happily with me and moon. Moon was walking normally. WAS.

He then started to stretch out his limbs, walking on all fours, then on his hands, then .. what the fuck moon. Finally, Gregory picked up the phone. "Hey Gregory! Where are y—" I was immediately shushed by him. "Y/n... y/n.. I'm scared. Vanny is around. I was just exploring the place and-" Gregory went silent. "Shit.. gregory, be calm.. talk low and breathe softly, do you know where you are now?"

"I'm near the DJ mans place.." he whispered. "Alright, that's good! Gregory, I need you to go over to music man. He's really chill with me and—" the phone call was hanged up. The fucking phone call hang up, my eyes widening from the actual incident. "Shit, guys, elevator! Now!" I ordered. I started running towards the elevators. Sun picking me up, running faster than me.

Once we got into the elevator, I was breathing heavily. "Ok.. ok. My kid potentially got kidnapped. Vanny is doing some weird shit. Fuck.. FUCK." I cursed. Sun put a hand on my shoulder, "It's ok y/n! He'll be ok, Gregory's a smart and fast kid. There's no way he'll get hurt by Vanny. He survived once, he can do it again." Sun assured. "If anything does happen.. we'll know what to do." Moon huskily told us.


"Gregory.. why did you have to explore? Shit." My phone buzzed, alerting me. It was a text message. "Huh." Sun and moon looked over at my phone. "It's a voice message from Gregory! Hopefully he's ok." I smile, thinking I would hear his voice again. "See!! Y/n, I told you he would be ok! We just gotta have hope and believe in the better!" Sun celebrates. Moon stared at the message. "Hmm..." he didn't say anything. I tapped my finger onto the message, ready to play it. There was silence, until we heard the familiar voice.

That fucking voice.

"Are you having fun yet?"

My eyes widened. My phones vibrated rapidly, suddenly a purple spark appeared struck me. "Y/n?!" They shouted. They were pushed away by the force of this .. shit?!? I feel my body being .. hurt. Violently. I can feel my bones. And it's fucking nauseating. My body was shaking. My body was feeling.. electrified.

"Y/n?! What's wrong?! Y/n?!" I feel my arms wrap around myself.

Vanny.. you're a bitch.

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