Chapter 63

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Fuck you guys I need angst in my life. Also would u guys be mad if I killed off Sun and moon lol


The silence filled the room. Looking down, my tears fell out of my eyes. "I don't even know if you guys really like me anymore. I love you guys but.." I hid my face away from them, embarrassed to be crying about something like this. "I want you guys to genuinely love me. Not programmed or anything.." I mumbled into my hands. I cried softly to myself, feeling a small weight being put off my shoulders.

After a few painful long seconds, I feel myself being lifted into someone else's arms. Obviously, it was their arms. Sun/Moon sat down somewhere, having me sit on them. I cried softly, leaning my side toward them. They didn't say anything, no. All they did was stroke my side, massaging my hand. Occasionally massaging my back. This went on for a while. But .. it was just what I needed. Letting out my emotions and being honest with myself.


"Y/n.. I'm not ready to leave the daycare yet." They admitted. "Yea?" I asked. "I love you y/n. Truly. I would do anything for you.. but if I have to admit? I'm not ready to leave the daycare. Cant you live with us at the daycare? Please? I miss the children. I miss bringing joy to others. I miss nap time where I was able to have everyone regain energy for the day again. I miss feeling secure. I miss having a purpose."


"A purpose?" I questioned. "I don't want to be a bother to you for the rest of your life, y/n." They sat me up, looking at me in their eyes. "You're never a bother.. but, what did you mean a purpose?" I asked once again. "I want to have a purpose. I want to feel needed. Me and.. Erm, Sun , moon, us? We both loved entertaining and caring for the children. It's all we've ever did. Until you showed up and.. y/n. I miss working at the daycare."

"But then.. that would mean you moving out of the house." I hesitated. "But that would mean you can still move into the daycare. They didn't care before and I hardly believe they do now." "Sun, moon, I love you two. You don't need .. a purpose. Not everyone NEEDS a purpose. Sometimes.. we all just gotta live." I whispered. "Then.. can you live for us?" My eyes widened, " wha.. what do you guys mean?" I asked. "I know you don't truly want to live y/n. But.. we want you too."

"It doesn't have to be for us. But it can be for the future. Us.. together. Maybe kids. Maybe not. Nap time. Craft time. I just want to live with you." My eyes started to water again. This time they grabbed my face, wiping away my tears. We were so close at the moment. Leaning in.. we both made contact with our lips. We stayed like this for a few long seconds. I pulled away, but they obviously wanted more. "You guys.. are too sweet. But, yes. I wanna make this work. I'll .. try to move into the daycare then." I smiled. "And I'll try to get you two in."

"Perhaps we can move moons chip into the other moon? They aren't.. really us. They act like us but they aren't. They don't have consciences like us." Sun suggested. "What made you think that Sun?" I tilted my head. I think Sun and eclipse are having a little bit of a .. agreement with that. I don't know, author cant you explain it to the audience?



"Sunshine, do you hear that?" Sun whispered. My focus returned to the area surrounding us. I got off of Sun, slowly walking away scanning the area. I heard some noises behind me, looking back I saw Moon in his animatronic form. "Moon—" he hushed me quickly and snatched me up. He crawled onto the wall to the ceiling, holding me tight. "Listen.." he huskily whispered. His grip was firm around me.

With not much of a choice, I accepted this and listened to the noise.

"Down came the rain and washed the spider out~" a voice echoed through the area. Me and moon watched as the familiar murderous rabbit lady skipped through. Failing to notice the two on the ceiling, it continued to reach out to one of them. "Y/nnnn~ my little bunny~ where are you?" I looked at moon with slight fear in my eyes. He only responded to a finger in between in mouth. Signaling for me to stay quiet, as if it wasn't obvious enough.

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