Chapter 57

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You guys should def give me ideas for my security breach oneshot book. If you didn't know I had that book now you do lol. Pls give me ideas or smth

Anyways remember I'm not gonna be writing A LOT IF I'm at school sooooo


Please don't expect chapters everyday-

"Brotherrr.." Lunar limped down, seemingly in a sully attitude. "Brother, don't be upset. You're lucky I at least let you see them.. besides, you know I'm not the Uhh.. sharing type." Eclipse removed his hands and pushed lunar toward me. However, he was in the moment and immediately got fizzled up. A bigger blush arises on his face, looking down at me. He played with his fingers, trembling slightly. "I-I- uh .. well- ermm.." he seemed to be lost.

"See? Cant even hold a conversation. This is why I had you prep earlier— before you met them." Eclipse shook his head, then looked back at me. "Anyways, good morning darling. Me and my brother will definitely see you soon.. especially in places you wouldn't think." Eclipse winked and to my surprise, lunar gave me a quick hug before muttering out a goodbye.


I woke up to the sound of children clearing the room.  I heard murmurs and the kids complaining about food. "Ah, good morning to you as well Y/n. Was your nap well?" Moon held out his hand, helping me to my feet. He scanned my whole body and seemed pleased when he finished. "I guess I did get my hours of sleep in, haha." I laughed anxiously. He nodded and pointed toward Sun. "I made my brother sleep too. We all did a quick recharge. Very efficient, although now it's lunchtime. The children are complaining pretty hard about being hungry."

Sun jumped toward us, giving me and moon a hug. "GOOOOODDD MORNING! Nice bright recharge for the day! Especially for the children before they go home! Alrighty, let's start the lunch schedule!" Sun stretched and marched out with the kids. Moon chuckled softly to himself. "My brother is .. funny. Anyways, shall we.. my love?" I let out a light gasp from the nickname.

"Erm.. alright." I cant help but think of them both as my own Sun and moon. However I had to keep in mind that they're just replacements. Not the real thing. I sighed, if they were.. wait a minute. Something's off. I looked at Sun and moon, the imposters. I've noticed something off. I know I'm not suppose to say anything at all. However something caught my eye with my overthinking.

If Sun and moon were able to get replacements, why couldn't Freddy and Bonnie?

I gulped, the realization hitting me hard. I never thought about it before until I actually.. thought about it. Why has no one questioned this? I blinked my eyes, my head aching. That was until there was a knock on the door. Sun gasped and opened it widely. There stood bonnie, who seemed to be holding two boxes of pizzas. "Lunchtime kiddos! Who wants pizza??" The children cheered.

"THANK YOU MISTER BONNIE!" Sun grabbed the pizza and led the children somewhere else, followed by moon who kept mentioning to the kids to be patient and stay in a line. Bonnie waved me toward him, signaling to talk. I headed toward him, ignoring whatever was happening with them. "Bon?"

"Y/n.. is everything ok? Figured anything out?" Bonnie asked. I hit my lip, looking away. "Not anything... I can understand yet. But you have my word, I'll tell you if something's wrong." I smiled. Bonnie's nose twitched and shook his head. "Y/n, you know I've known you long enough to know a lie. You literally look like it. And you smell like it." Bonnie put his hands on his hips. "Be honest with me, Rocky."

I asked bonnie the same question to myself. Did I figure something out? I shook my head and whispered to him. "I'll tell you after work, especially when everything is so active." Bonnie nodded and patted my head. "Alright Y/n! I'll see you later, take care of the kids!" You know, for me and Bonnie who used to be one of the troublesome ones.. it's kinda off seeing him not suggesting to do anything. Like prankish the other animatronics or staff.. chugging the slushies. Robbing the cookies from the shop and eating that shit up.
I sighed, closing the door and walking back to my desk. I decided to eat my lunch as this kids were too. I could hear the sun and moon imposters help them with their food. As much as I like pizza, I love Sun and moon more. So whatever they made, with the exception of Freddy, is just as good or even better than pizza. Finally, I took out my lunch. It ended up having some healthy shit on the side too, a caprisun was found too! Nice! Sundrops were found in the lunchbox too. Hmm..

Oh, this definitely was from moon. Looks like he packed some Tylenol pills and a water bottle. Just when I crave water the most. I noticed a desert on the bottom. Pulling it out, it seemed to be a .. moonpie. Nice touch moon. Or freddy? Whichever. I went ahead and ate my lunch. The lunch was rather satisfying, obviously it's not a full course meal, but it definitely gave me energy. I smiled to myself, these half human- Erm??— half animatronics really do care about me.

"I'm still here, y/n." A voice behind me said. Recognizing the voice and its glitches, I ignored it. However, I motioned I was listening by pointing at my ear slightly. "Ah. So you refuse to talk to me. Or you're scared of someone hearing our conversation?" I held out two fingers. "Huh. Fine, do what pleases you." They muttered and teleported in front of the desk, looking at me with their deadly eyes. Eyes once filled with love and hate. If that's even possible. "Are you aware?" They asked. I simply raised an eyebrow, confused.

"Remember eclipse? Apparently he has a brother. Named lunar." I nodded, nibbling my food. "You know, I am rather.. entranced by these two beings." I pointed at the place where my heart stood, raising an eyebrow. "No, no. Not love. Just curiosity. Although, I do feel the feelings you do have.. such as love. But, I'm not interested in dating them. I do love them, I just can't handle the thought of being .. bleh." I scoffed, rolling my eyes at them.

"Anyways, I'm confused. I'm pretty sure Eclipse wants me dead. But Lunar? He's making me stable. I can feel Aftons motives leaving me hour by hour. Minute by minute." The other me looked down at their hands, only to clutch it. "Not. All of it." They hissed. They shook their head and smiled brightly. "But! Lunar is soooooo adorable! I love them soososososo much! They're so interesting!" The other me sighed deeply, hearts forming around their body.

"Really?" I muttered. They shrugged and scooted close to me. "Hey hey hey.. whatre you gonna do with the Sun and moon imposters? I mean, they're just robots built for kids. It's not like that they'll hurt the kids. Right?"

I furrowed my eyebrows. "I'm just joking! Jeez! Lunar had made tremendous work on my mind and thoughts and stabilize my acting on killing. However, I am still interested in it. Just have more self control." They floated in the air, looking around. After being satisfied, they floated down next to me. "I heard that sun and moon were the only animatronics replaced. Now how is that fair to Freddy Fazbear? In comparison, freddy has WAYYY more fans than mister moon and Sunny combined!"

"What do you mean?" I whispered. "I am just confused how they were made, that's all. I'm even more shocked that they were made quickly. Everyone else is here, except Bonnie and Freddy. Poor Monty, he can't handle the stress of being the main star of the show." They chuckled harshly. I rolled my eyes, finishing my food and throwing my trash out. "I wonder.. would you speak more if I take your body?" Before I could've responded, I felt a jolt in my body. For a moment I was still..

Blinking my eyes, I only came to the realization I wasn't fully in control. I stretched and heard the other me voice echo in my head. "Huh. Strange. Lunar seemed to cut my access to your body short." I felt another jolt and breathed heavily, falling to my knees. "Apologies, I just needed to check on some things.. now, as for.. hm." Sun and moon came back, only for sun to gasp so hard.

"SUNBEAM!! Are you ok?!? Did you trip?! Let me see you!" Sun rushed to me and checked my body. Moon rushed over to me, scanning my body. After being satisfied with making sure everything was ok, they finally let me go of their grip. "Star, won't you be careful?" Moon patted my shoulder, giving me a soft smile. The other me laughed, and laughed.

"FUCKING PATHETIC! They really do act like sun and moon! Classic classic classic! Now.. I wonder if they're just programmed to like you. Huh y/n? They're just a machine, there's no way they have real feelings for you." I shook my head, tired from the constant blabber of my alternate self. "I'm fine, just tired." I smiled.

"Do your Sun and moon treat you the same as them? Do you honestly think they like you? Or is it because they were programmed to like specific people? So many possibilities.." The other me kept ranting, ranting about the same idea over and over again. It kinda made me uncomfortable. "But you took a nap? Dearie, do you need another one?" Moon scanned me again, now holding me closer to him. "You seem well rested.. maybe you're still drowsy after waking up." I felt a jolt in my body, then scoffed at Moon. "Please lunar, cut the act. We all know it's you."

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