Chapter One

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Author's Pov

"Why is there such a lot of rush today" Yoongi almost banged on the steering wheel in annoyance.

Seemed he was in a hurry to reach somewhere and was late due to the traffic jam.

"My life is already pissed off... what worst could i expect" he growled running his palm over his face in frustration.

"Uhh, i am damn tired of facing all this shit" he dropped his head back, clutching his fist onto the steering.

Well now that Yoongi is out there stuck in the traffic, by the time he reaches his destination let me take you to a small introduction to this very person mentioned above.

So, welcome to the not that interesting and happening life of Yoongi. The only grandson of Mr. Min Yejun, a business tycoon since his time.

Now that he was taking a complete retirement. Mr. Yejun put all the responsibility of his business, which was at the edge of drowning onto Min Yoongi.

Yoongi had lost his parents when he was like ten, since then his grandfather took care of him. Having no parents and the only guardian being occupied with his business, Yoongi never recieved any special care or cherishment.

His childhood and no proper parenting made him cold and super annoying, just like an heartless man.

But for every dark soul, there is brightness destined. And he was on his way to meet her, his fiancée.

As i told you'll, Mr. Yejun's business was at the edge and so he decided to marry Yoongi with the only daughter of the most successful businessman; Kim Eunji.

In return Mr. Kim was going to provide all the needed finance to the Min's enterprise.

But this marriage was forced and Yoongi was against it. Under his grandfather's pressure and the guilt of being a useless responsibility since childhood, he got through the engagement.

Now just one day was left for the marriage and Yoongi was on his way to meet Eunji, to warn her one last time to put an end to this marriage proposal and free him.

Will Eunji ever accept this or where would this forced marriage lead them to. For that it was very important to meet Kim Eunji. So lets go meet her to.

 So lets go meet her to

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"Eunji... its your wedding day tomorrow, are you actually sure he is the right person" her friend whined while they both were busy packing up all the stuff in the huge suitcase.

Eunji glanced at her friend who was just next to her and smiled, "I have never been so sure about anything Hana.. he is the right man for me" she chimed with all that excitement pouring from her face.

"Don't pretend to be happy. I know he is not ready for this forced relationship" Hana spoke, her eyes filled with concern  for her bestfriend.

Seeing the care and the protectiveness of her friend, Eunji took Hana's hand to assure her. "Everythings going to be fine, Yoongi is cold i accept but not a bad person" she continued with her words.

"I hope the best for you" Hana nodded, pursing her lips.

They both were busy chit chating when the door bell snapped them out.

"It must be Yoongi" Eunji mumbled and walked out of her room, through the living and pulled the door open.


"Here's your coffee" Eunji grinned while passing the cup to Yoongi who was now settled comfortably on the couch.

Placing the coffee cup aside "Thankyou, but i need to talk to you about something very important" he stated.

Eunji just took a set across Yoongi and let out a breathe hearing to what he said. "If its again going to be the same about cancelling this wedding, then i am sorry. I cannot help you with that" she shrugged.

Listening to her answer Yoongi got paranoid, frustrated he brushed his hand over his hair strands, jaw clenched and breath heavy.

"Fucking stop these mind games and spit why out of so many guys, you choose me" his firm voice growled filling the room.

His behavior sort of frightened Eunji, but she was not someone to give up so soon.

"Because i love you...simple" the tension in the room was so high but yet the smile on Eunji's face didn't fade in for a whilst.

"Come on.. love.. seriously, just by looking at my photo and biodata. Don't be silly, i am not someone ideal and my bank balance, it would be nothing compared to what you spend everyday" he bluttered in one go

"Not having a good career, my business sinking and my looks average. There isn't a single reason for you to marry me Eunji, don't waste your time and emotions on a person like me" Yoongi just went on and on.

Eunji gazing at him with patience, trying to give him a hear as he was really traumatized by all this forced marriage stuff.

"This marriage is just going to be a deal for me nothing else. I won't ever accept you as my wife" he added.

Helding a glass of water towards Yoongi, she spoke "Calm down..."

Slowly he sipped onto the water and his senses settled down. Eunji got back to her place and chuckled before she spoke.

"You're right, there might be hundreds of reason to end this marriage proposal. But i still have one fine reason to keep this going on"

"What is it?" he mumbled, glancing at Eunji.

She smirked, "Revenge"

■□ To be continued □■

911 words

This story is not just a normal forced marriage story, there is something planned in a unique way to make the story interesting.
Here begins the story of Yoongi and Eunji.

Author Pov ends, from the next time the story will turns its pages by the characters perspective.


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