Chapter Three

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Eunji's Pov

Standing near the door frame, my eyes were stuck on him. Seeing him sleeping peacefully made me feel good, happy. But i am feeling guilty and sorry for you Yoongi... just for my selfishness i got you stuck into this forced relationship.

Its difficult to pretend to be satisfied and content when deep down you are devastated. My heart aches when i see that hatred for me, in your eyes.

Revenge was just a good answer to get through your questions but since the day i first met you, was the day i began to insanely fall for you, Yoongi..

However cold and arrogant to behave, i very well know there is a kind hearted person buried in there. And one day for sure, i will bring that person out. Before you become successful in killing me ~i smiled to myself.


"Do you think behaving like a wife will make me accept you... Humpf" he chuckled, as i served him the morning breakfast.

"Even if you don't accept me as a wife but for me only you are my husband" i replied, placing his lunchbox on the dinning table.

"Dear husband, here is your lunch... i have prepared it will a lot of love" i continued, pulling of a chair for me and served myself breakfast.

The whole time we were munching, it was only me who was talking. This cold cat was quiet and didn't even speak a word. Not even a single compliment for my efforts.

Soon he completed eating, Yoongi got up and grabbed onto his bag and lunchbox. "Miss me when you have the lunch" i bluttered.

He was about to leave the dinning platform and jolted back at my words, "I will surely miss one thing"

A smile creept on my face

"This stupid chitchat of yours... after i kill you" he stated in the most heartless way.

I was at the urge to punch him or break into tears but my goal was so very different, "For me what matters is that you will miss something about me, even if i am alive or dead" i taunted.

"You are impossible" Yoongi rolled his eyes.

"I know.."

...And I wish Death to You  ( Min Yoongi Fanfiction ) MYGOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant