Chapter forty-four🫶🏼

Start from the beginning

He reached out and grabbed my face in his large hands, it was a loose grip and it made me wonder what he was thinking. "All because I leave does not change the fact that you are mine. Mine to kiss, mine to hold, mine to love. I love you." I want to believe him but after being hurt so many times it made me push away from him.

I reached my hand out and cupped his cheek, his soft skin warmed mine as I walked closer to him. Right as I was about to pull away his arms went around my waist and pulled our faces closer, our lips touching ever so slightly. "I love you Evelyn Leone, and I've loved you my whole life I just didn't understand it until now." I hated this, I hated looking into his eyes and seeing nothing but the truth.

I sighed and looked down at his lips before looking back into his eyes. "I can't keep losing you, my heart can't take it." I saw something break in his eyes, something that I never wanted to ever see, his heart was laying next to mine and no one made a move to grab theirs and return home, nobody wanted to.

When he was the first to move away I instantly snapped back to reality, to the cold night around us. As he was turning around something clawed at my heart as I reached out for his hand and waited for him to just listen. "Rain, I'm sorry." I saw his head move and before I could drag him back into me and give him my heart he pulled his hand away and began to walk to the front gate.

I pulled my phone from my hoodie and called Lilith to tell her that I was sorry for the waste of time and to just go home. Once I got it through to her that I was fine I turned to the front door and tried to face my demons as I walked over to the old-looking wooden door. I knocked once and a few seconds later Romeo opened the door and pulled me into his arms.

He didn't say a word as he started to walk towards the stairs with me under his arm, the weight brought tears to my eyes but I was quick to push them away. Once we got to his bedroom door he turned to me and held my face in his hands. "Are you okay, you are not in pain are you?" His face was so soft that it made me want to chuckle. He asked if I was in pain and I wanted to tell him that it was the type of pain that could not be taken away by anyone but myself.

"I'm okay, I went outside to see someone." I patted my pockets and I couldn't find my house keys, I mentally cursed myself and looked back at Romeo with a small smile. "Uh, be right back? I left my keys outside." I gave him a small smile and he leaned down at kissed the crown of my head before nodding his head and walking into his dark room.

I ran down the stairs and had to hold onto the door for a few seconds to let the pain in my side die down for a bit. Once it was bearable I opened the door and walked into the cold night, the wind pricked my skin as I walked to the side of the house. I bent down to check the bushes when I heard a rumbling sound coming from behind me.

I kept quiet and continued to look while keeping my ears open. I threw my arm backward when I heard the rocks behind me crunch under someone's feet. The person grabbed my hand I twisted it while getting up from my bent-over state. As soon as I looked at the person I instantly let go of his arm and pushed him away.

"You know when Nico said you were strong I didn't quite believe it." Kio chuckled and I shook my head while crossing my arms over my chest. "Why were you watching me? Was there something you needed?" I tried not to be snappy but I don't like when people sneak up behind me, it terrifies me.

Kio shook his head and pointed to the woods making me extremely confused. Kio sighed as if I was an idiot and pointed harder into the woods, I was still confused until I saw a small beam of light coming from way deep in the trees. "He has to give you something, asked me to get you but you were already outside." I didn't fully trust him but I also didn't fully trust myself at the moment so I nodded and walked toward the gate.

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