Chapter 86

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Chapter 86

    Tang Nuan slept very sweetly, dreaming in a daze that she was the legendary Sleeping Beauty princess, and a handsome prince came to kiss her to wake her up, her lips and teeth were gently knocked, and the visitors were very patient.

    Tang Nuan responded meekly, and then heard the prince's chuckle. The other party seemed to gently touch her skin in order to wake her up. The fingers seemed to have magic, and wherever they passed, they made people want to sigh... ...

    Tang Nuan finally opened her eyes and met a pair of smiling phoenix eyes. The prince in her dream leaned over and pecked her lips again, chuckling, "Awake?"

    Tang Nuan smiled subconsciously and stretched out He stretched out his arms to hug, but suddenly noticed something, and quickly retracted his arms.

    Hearing someone's laughter, she was really shy. She grabbed the quilt and wanted to drill in, but the man's strong arm grabbed it and pressed it on her chest. He snorted softly, and his breathing finally became rapid.

    Ye Shuyan's throat rolled, and his eyes became deeper. Tang Nuan could almost feel the pulsation in his chest. It was fast and powerful. Of course, it wasn't just the chest that was pulsing...

    The memory of last night came back in an instant, and Tang Nuan's toes were shy. He curled up and buried his head on his shoulder.

    Ye Shuyan looked at the girl who was full of pink in her arms, and couldn't help but turn over and cover her...

    Tang Nuan felt his gentle kiss, forehead, eyes, nose, lips... He patiently moved towards Next, Tang Nuan responded submissively.

    She knew that he would not hurt her. Although his mouth was unforgiving last night, his movements were actually very gentle. Maybe it was because he could hear her thoughts. Almost every feeling came according to what she wanted, so that the first time She didn't feel much discomfort, on the contrary, she was somewhat comfortable.

    The pain in the back and legs that are so soft that you can't get up from the Internet and novels did not appear.

    So even if she was shy, she didn't resist.

    However... she soon found out that she had been fooled by him again! !

    That time last night was like the gentle bait of a hunter to lure his prey, which made her relax her vigilance completely, so that now she was nailed in a trap by him without any defense and could not escape for a moment...

    Tang Nuan felt that she was going crazy, she Shaking his head, clenching his pillow tightly, his trembling cry changed from begging for mercy at first, to accusation, "You badass, big liar... I don't want it anymore, let me go..."

    The man reached out and took her hand off the pillow, replaced it with his own big hand and intertwined her fingers, leaned over and whispered softly in her ear, "Nuannuan, baby." His voice was also a little out of control, he couldn't bear it She bit her small ears and said vaguely, "I hurt you last night, and now you hurt me too, okay?"

    Although it was a negotiating tone, the action was even more fierce. Tang Nuan almost lost his voice and couldn't speak. Of course it is impossible to refuse anything.

    This pained him, almost cost Tang Nuan half of his life.

    I don't know how long it took, the slender fingers left two scratches on the sweaty and sturdy back, and then hung down weakly.

    The man was finally satisfied when he saw the girl who had completely softened in his arms, put her back on the bed, kissed the tears from the corners of her eyes, and gently stroked her back with his big palms, waiting for her to regain her consciousness.

The wealthy fiance has the ability to read mindsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora