Chapter 6 : An intense game

Start from the beginning

"Of course I know, why?"Jungkook asked, confused, not understanding anything of the speech of the other boy whose remarks were flying in all directions.

"Good!" Seokjin appreciated, "well, I call Taehyung Lord Voldemort, or The-One-Whose-Name-Should-Not-Be-Pronounced if he is around because he can be dangerous when he's mad. I call him like this because he is evil and confident in his power but his only ambition in life is to become the master of Hogwarts and he lost all credibility."


"You know, it's better to say "I beg your pardon?" insted of "uh?" in this school, otherwise they say you're badly brought up. Of course, that's not what I think!" Seokjin hastened to clarify. "Going back to what I was saying about Taehyung and Voldemort, I assure you that the resemblance is striking! Well, apart from the fact that Taehyung has a nose and hair," Seokjin commented a hand on his chin and a frown as he imagined a portrait of the handsome Taehyung and the ugly Voldemort side by side to analyze the differences.

"Oh really?" Jungkook reacted, amused. "What about the other one?"

"Jimin is just his idiot house-elf who obeys him finger and eye and follows him like his shadow. He's happy with everything Taehyung gives him, like the freedom to beat everyone at school. He's like Dobby and his precious sock given by his master. He thinks he's physically imposing just because of the power Taehyung gave him but he's very short and ridiculous with his high-pitched voice when he starts singing to scare us at the other end of the hall and announce his presence and that of Taehyung. Not that he sings badly but I refuse to give him compliments, you understand?"

"Yes, I think so," Jungkook chuckled, as, confident, Seokjin continued after catching his breath he seemed to miss after talking so much.

"You can call him Dobby or simply the dwarf, that's how I call him when he's not there to hear me," he explained candidly to a bewildered Jungkook, "Ah and they're the two biggest slackers in our middle school too! If I can advise you, don't ever try to become friends with them or they will make you do all their dirty work, like doing their homework or hitting those who don't want to do their homework for them."

Jungkook kept giggling and Seokjin was glad he made him laugh because if he laughed at those two obnoxious boys, he probably wouldn't care about them anymore.

"Voldemort and Dobby? Sounds like the title of a bad remake of Harry Potter! Thank you for this hilarious mental image, I'm not going to be able to get it out of my head, you really are something Jin! It's okay, you convinced me, I won't become friends with them then. What about you, can I become friend with you instead?"

Seokjin's eyes widened. He was asking him to be... my friend? He hadn't had one for so long. He didn't want to make Jungkook feel that he was pathetic so he blinked his eyes not to let them mist up with tears of joy but he was already looking forward to telling his mother and grandfather that he finally made a new friend.

"It would be my pleasure!" he exclaimed, a bit too fast, shaking Jungkook's hand again and bowing slightly, while cursing that he looked so happy to be made a friend. He wasn't even 7 years old, so why was he reacting like he is?!

But that didn't seem to make Jungkook feel like he was pathetic, even though he was amazed at so much excitement.

"Cool!" He simply said. "Listen Jin, it was nice to meet like this before the match but now we have to prepare to face each other as an opponent. I know you're like me as a competitor so I'm going to tell you without fear of losing your new friendship: I will do whatever it takes to win this match, and that means beating up your team."

"Likewise!" Seokjin confirmed, suddenly serious, and Jungkook began to realize that the sudden emotional changes were completely part of his personality.

Seokjin and the Heirs of the Korean Miracle - BOOK 1 ✔Where stories live. Discover now