Chapter 24

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Veronica released a breather. She was currently standing outside the building of her old job. She was here to see Imani so they could both have a lunch break together, just like old times before returning back to Gallington.

Veronica entered the elevator pressing number 15. When the elevator doors opened she wasn't expecting her work rival to be standing infront of her. She watched as Felix revealed a shocked expression with his mouth wide, shocked that she was standing Infront of him.

"Veronica Calhoun, what are you doing here? Oh don't tell me you are here to beg for your job back, boss already replaced you." Felix laughed while fixing his glasses.

She looked back at her old desk seeing that indeed her ex-boss had replaced her with a white man now sitting at her old desk.

"When I heard you had gotten fired I was elated. No more having to worry about you behind my back especially now that I got the promotion. Where do u even work now at a fast food restaurant?" He tried being snarky while eyeing her up and down as if she was below him.

"Actually I work at Gallington." She watched as Felix choked on his spit.

"What?" He expressed his shock. "How did you even get a job there? Gallington is a sophisticated company they don't just take anybody and if my mind serves me correctly Mr Tate didn't even like you when he spent time here."

"Well it seems that he likes me now." Especially now that he loves to fuck me and eat me all night. She wanted to add in but Veronica refrained from it.

"RONNIE!!" Veronica smiled brightly at her enthusiastic friend who was rushing towards her.

"Move Felix." Imani barged him out of the way almost making him trip and fall. Felix huffed before making his way to his office.

Imani squealed "I've missed you so much, you don't know how boooring it is now, now that you're gone I have nobody. Hey you think you could ask Ahmad to get me a job there. I could be your assistant!!" Imani exclaimed as if that was the best idea she had ever had.

Veronica laughed at her friend. Oh how much she missed Imani's bubbly self during workout. "No Imani, I wouldn't want you to be my assistant."

"Why not, think about it me and you together and at least this time I would actually like my boss and not wanna staple his eyes shut."

"Damn what has Mr. Ross done to you?"

"What hasn't he done to me, Ronnie the man has been an absolute asshole! I wish he could g-"

Veronica quickly covered Imani's mouth due to the fact she was speaking so casually about it as if her boss wasn't on the same floor.

"Maybe we should talk about it after we leave and not get you in trouble."

"See, I told you she was back." They both turned towards Felix walking with Mr Ross and her replacement.

"Miss. Calhoun, is there a reason for your presence here? Because if it's for your job back we no longer need your duties. This is Mr Jeffrey Keagan. My new assistant-"

"I'm actually here to see Imani, not for my job back."
She watched as her ex-boss contorted his face as if he was trying to read her."

"That's not true, she was begging. She wanted an explanation from you so you could explain to her why she was never getting the promotion in the first place. Felix said while smirking wickedly at her.

Now that made Veronica pause. What? What did he mean by the word 'never'.

"Never? What does he mean by that."

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