Chapter 8

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Veronica promised to never drink again. She didn't drink that much but she had a headache and was hoping no one sent her on any errands.

"Here" She looked up to Ahmad holding some pills

"I know you probably have a massive headache so I thought some pain killers would come in handy I'm surprised you didn't call off work."

"Thank you Mr Tate. and yes I do have a headache I'm honestly shocked I only took 3 shots and a glass of wine." She shrugged as if that was nothing.

"I'm surprised you don't look exhausted as I do I mean your drank some as well."

"I actually don't drink only for special occasions I only took a shot the rest was water you thought it was vodka." he chuckled.

"Oh" She face palmed "So you wanted me to suffer alone"

"When you put it like that I almost feel bad."

They both laughed at that.

"However I'm still interested on taking you on your offer."

"Offer what offer?" She asked puzzles she could only remember so much.

"The cook off, wow I'm surprised you don't remember. You were telling me how you were the best cook I have yet to believe it."

Veronica was intrigued yet she felt stupid how could she not remember saying that to him and the fact that he accepted offer surprised her even more.

"Well I can't wait to knock the taste buds off of you I'm an excellent chef and I can't wait to toot my horn when I win."

"I look forward to it miss Calhoun Saturday 6pm your house."

She nodded in agreement.

Saturday came around and Veronica almost forgot the plan until Ahmad texted her she didn't even have his number saved due to never needing to use it.

Her house was always tidy but she decided a little more tidying won't hurt anyone.

She already knew what she was making she wanted to make something cultural from her home country Nigeria but wasn't sure on how he would react to it and instead went the safe way and was gonna make some soul food.

5:45 came and she heard a knock on the door

That couldn't be him he is early.

Making her way to the door she checked the peephole to see indeed that it was Ahmad. She opened the door for him and analysed how good he looked.

"Good evening miss Calhoun"

"Good evening Mr Tate welcome to my home."

"Thank you I brought some red wine didn't want to come empty handed."

"Thank you this would go nicely with my winning meal."

She excused herself from the door allowing him in

"So this is my living room my kitchen is just over there as well. All we have to do is wash our hands and get started."

"So what are you going to make I stocked up on ingredients and seasoning."

"Oh and to think I bought some ingredients in case you didn't have any."

"To answer your question I'm making my famous rice and beans with curry goat."

"You're Jamaican?"

"Yeah how did you know"

"Well I was born in the Uk and my mom was friends with a lot of Jamaicans and the curry goat was always my favourite."

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