Chapter 1(Allie)

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By the way, it was purely coincidental that Kay Panabaker and Asher Book ended up as the main cast. Seriously. COINCIDENCE. I completely forgot that they had actually worked together in Fame.

And obviously, this chapter's song is Holding Out for A Hero. Not the original Bonnie Tyler yelling version, though. I watched Footloose for the millionth time the other day and remembered Ella Mae Bowen's cover. It's so amazing and heartfelt.

Allie's on the side ---->

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I hummed along to Holding Out for A Hero that was currently playing on my iPod as I continued my homework. Just a few more questions and I'd be done..

"Allie, could you come to the living room for a second, sweetie?" my mother called.

"Coming!!" I yelled in reply, reluctantly getting up from my desk and pulling my ear buds out where I was working on my Calculus. Oh well, at least Friday was a holiday. Four days more, I comforted myself. You'll be free to finally watch Bones all day. Sherlock, Brandon's ex K9 partner, and was currently 'my' dog immediately jumped down from my bed where he was previously napping when he saw me going out the door and followed along.

When I walked into the living room, I was slightly shocked to see my brothers there. They had their own place so they usually dropped by on weekends, not Mondays. The German Shepherd's enthusiastically wagging tail increased in speed when he caught sight of them seated on the sofa and trotted over to be petted.

Naturally, Brandon didn't disappoint him. "How're ya doing, buddy? Still watching out for my baby sister?" he singsong-ed while rubbing the dog's head affectionately.

Matthew scratched behind Sherlock's ears. " Been keeping the pricks away from her?" he added with more seriousness.

"Matthew!" my mother chided and elbowed my dad, who coughed to hide his laughter.

My brother shrugged. "You know I'm right."

I rolled my eyes as I plopped into the beanbag between the sofa my parents were on and the twins. This was their natural behaviour. "I'm not seeing anyone and I'm not interested in anyone either."

They both let out relieved sighs. "Good."

I was still confused as to their presence. "What brings you guys here? Aren't you supposed to be down at the station?"

The atmosphere in the room instantly became sombre, and I could almost feel the tension on my shoulders. Sherlock's ears pricked up as if he sensed my confusion and he left my brothers and sat on the floor beside me, butting my hand to be rubbed. Absent mindedly, I did so. "What's going on?"

My father regarded me with an almost sad expression. "Honey, your brothers are here to say goodbye for a while."

My heart beat faster. "And why is that?" I managed to say calmly.

Matthew sighed. "Als, we've been called to go undercover."

"When?" I demanded.

" Last Monday. We've been busy making... preparations and stuff."

"How long will you be gone?"

"Six months." Brandon answered me this time.

"Six months?" I echoed. "Why so long?"

Brandon's face twisted into a hateful expression. "We're going to take down Garrett Baker from the inside."

My hand froze and I gasped. I knew who he was. Every now and then, his name would appear in the Times. When my brothers were still staying with us, I'd see files with his name stamped on them occasionally on the coffee table in the living room. Countless documents that stated all the things he did. Besides being the main man of drug trafficking in New York, there were also suspicions that he was involved in the organ donating black market, using cadavers or kidnapping teenagers and children to harvest their kidneys, eyes, or liver. Sometimes, these kids ended up in a body bag.

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