Chapter 27

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Homesick - Dua Lipa

A double upload because holy mother of the Writing Gods I have sinned.
"You were screaming again."

"Mmm?" I responded, keeping my eyes closed as I listened to his heartbeat thump a steady rhythm.

Air whooshed over my head as he exhaled heavily. "Als, why didn't you take your meds last night?"

"Forgot." I mumbled, snuggling closer and his arms tightened around me as he simultaneously pulled the covers tighter around us.

"I know you don't like the loss of control you feel right before you drop off, but it helps you sleep better." Wes pressed a kiss to the top of my head. "And God knows you need to sleep better."

I would argue with him, but he was right. I might not always remember waking up from a nightmare, but eventually when I had to wake up, I would feel the effects of a less-than-restful sleep. But I had lost so much control over my life, and sometimes I wished that my dreams were something that I somehow still could control.

"You don't have to come running every time I scream."

I didn't have to look at his face to know that he was frowning. "I don't come running because I feel obligated to. I-"

"I know." Opening my eyes, I looked up at him, and as I expected his brows were furrowed and his lips were turned down at the corners. "I know why you do it, and you don't have to."

"Oh please, hon." He scoffed. "Like you wouldn't do the same if I were in your position."

He always knew how to get me. I sighed. "Stop doing that."

"I love you." His eyes burned with sincerity. Despite my best efforts, my heart gave a solid thump and I flushed, still not used to hearing him say that so openly even after two weeks of him saying it.

"Okay." I acquiesced as my cheeks flamed, sitting up awkwardly

He snorted out a laugh and his arms looped around my waist and I yelped as he tugged me onto his lap. "You know, you could say it back.."

"Love you too." I managed, put on the spot.

He grinned cockily, raising one eyebrow. "How could you not?"

Just like that, my embarrassment vanished as I deadpanned.  "We're over."

"Bzzt! Sorry, you're wrong but you get a consolation prize!"

His happy grin and the way his hair was all messed up from the nap we'd just taken made my heart squeeze as I mulled over what I'd just said. Evidently, the drop in my mood was pretty obvious because his smile faded. "Is something up?"

"No, nothing." I smiled in return, giving him a peck and leaning against his shoulder.  "Just thinking."

One of his hands ran soothingly up and down my arm. "If you think that you're hiding your feelings well, you're wrong." He said quietly. "I know you better than that."

"I just... I was thinking about the bugs that we found, that's all." I lied.

"We're getting to the bottom of it. No use worrying over it, okay?" He tipped my chin up and kissed me. "Don't worry."

"Can't help it." I huffed. "It still pisses me off."

"Remember what you told me in the hospital? About letting things go?"

"I remember."

"Try doing that." He advised, before he changed the subject. "What do you want for dinner?"

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