Chapter 17

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Feels so good to be back, I could almost cry. Next chapter coming tomorrow! Can't wait for it to be up. Went to watch Frozen a few nights ago, and I can safely say that it's my new favourite Disney movie. The music is dope.

This chapter's song is by one of my absolute favourite bands if all time, and a band I grew up with. Cherry Cola by the über talented, absolutely amazing McFly. It's such a great song. McFly are just so GOOD.

Off to get on a sugar-high with leftover birthday cake :) I almost don't want to be 17...

Till tomorrow, happy reading! And make my day and life by voting and/or commenting.


"My mom must be crazy!" I yelled to be heard over the hustle and bustle of Chinatown. Traders yelled out their prices for their wares, customers haggled over produce and children darted in and out of the crowd. Mostly Asians milled around amongst other people in the never ending crowd, going about their daily lives.

And then there was Wes and I, confusedly looking around and clutching a shopping list. My mother had literally shoved the thing into my hands when I came home and ordered me to go and get everything listed.

"You have to go to Chinatown.", she insisted. "I'm making Thai Noodle Soup, and we're running low on some Asian ingredients."

And she even played the guilt trip when she said it had barely been a week since she'd been released from the hospital, and she couldn't handle noisy crowds just yet. Plus, she was leaving with my dad for Miami at midnight today.

I don't know how that was even a part of the guilt trip, but she managed to work it in. Mothers and their wily ways.

Of course she didn't have to go, I'd already argued with her, as did my father. But she was adamant. It's my duty as co-CEO, she said firmly.

My stubborn trait didn't come from my father. Thanks, ma.

Therefore, here we were, stuck in a middle of a bustling crowd, roughly knowing where we were (I hoped we were anyway, because 'lost' was not really a word that I was aiming to use right now), while people elbowed and nudged past us to get to their destination.

"Actually, I think this is pretty cool." Wes shouted back.

"What else is on the list?"

"Lemongrass, Vietnamese basil, sesame oil, soy sauce, fish sauce, Bok Choy,Thai Sriracha, rice noodles, coconut milk-"

"What?" The two of us squeezed our way out of the crowd and into the doorway of a tiny shoplot.

I let out a breath, and moved closer to him in order to read the list myself. "Why on earth would my mother send us all the way to CHINATOWN to get things that can typically be found in the grocery store?"

"She wants us out of the house for a bit?"

"With Baker around?" I raised an eyebrow. "Hardly."

"The flavour will be more authentic?" Wes suggested.

I levelled a hard look at him. "Right. I hope you remember where you parked the car."

"Outside the Huo Long sundry shop." His mandarin was impeccable.

"Good. We have till dinnertime. What time is it now?"

Wes pulled out his phone and cheerfully announced, "It's four fifteen."

"Then we have around two hours. Let's try getting the fresh produce over there-"

"Ah, I was expecting you." A voice with a whispering Chinese accent that was smooth as honey, said.

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