Chapter 14

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Well, it's been eons.

I am so sorry for leaving the story hanging like that. It's just that I haven't had much time to write(even though I have so many ideas. Ugh. It's so frustrating.) I'll try an upload another chapter as fast as I can, but it probably will be more than two weeks. Life is crazy.

This chapter's song us What's Left Of Me by Nich Lachey of 98 Degrees. It's the song Wes sang in the last chapter, btw. Fun fact?

Happy reading! Enjoy, VOTE and Comment!


"Hi daddy." I grinned as I peeked around the door of my mother's hospital room. "I'm here to be your saviour in jeans."

"Hey, Als. Wasn't expecting you back so early." my father smiled back and got up from the faux leather recliner where he'd spent the night, illegally. But the doctors and nurses didn't mind much.

Being Elliot Reed had its perks. Not to mention that my mother's doctor bought a Kate Reed ring when he proposed to his fiancée.

I entered the room fully, holding up today's newspaper in one hand and a thermos filled with hot coffee. "Dad, its three in the afternoon. Anyway, I bear necessities."

"Honey, you shouldn't have." He took both items from me and kissed me on the cheek.

"You wouldn't let me stay over last night. It's the least I could do." I said firmly, plopping into the blue plastic chair on the other side of my mother's bed.

He chuckled softly. "Just like your mother. Thoughtful as always."

"I'm honoured."

"Where's Wes?" his tone suddenly sharpened and his eyes narrowed as he poured some coffee into a cup given by the hospital. "Please don't tell me you came alone."

I raised an eyebrow." I couldn't have even if I wanted to. He's parking the car."

He visibly relaxed. "Oh. That's good." he took a sip of the coffee and sighed in relief. "Thanks for the things, Als. Did you sleep okay?"

"Um..." I hesitated a second, debating internally on whether to tell him the truth, or lie.

Last night, even in my state of shock, I managed to mechanically pack up our dinner, and let Wes drive me to the hospital without so much as a whimper. I didn't cry when I saw my mother hooked up to an IV and heart monitor and tubes snaking everywhere, with a bloodstained bandage wrapped around her head. I didn't even flinch when the doctor said that she'd gone into a coma and it would probably a few days before we'd know that she was going to be okay.

I'd gone to sleep as soon as I reached home. Wes was worried about me because of my calmness and silence, but he didn't let it show much. He bid me a quiet "goodnight" and that was it.

At least, I thought it was.


I couldn't move, couldn't breathe. All I could do was stand there with my mouth open and silent screams coming out.

I was standing alone in a dark, deserted street and the only thing illuminating the scene in front of me was a typical street lamp. There was a chill in the air that cut through the fabric of my thin t-shirt and chilled me to the bone. I was barefoot, so I could feel the rough pavement beneath the soles of my feet.

Not one living soul was around. It was just me, HIM, and the scene before me

All that I could do was hear and see.

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