CHAPTER SIX : Who knows?

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[ Dedicating this chapter to Megumi for making me the cover, i'll also attached it together with this chapter so you guys can check it out on the right side. If anyone of you ought to make me a cover or banner or whatever thing that is related to this story of mine, don't hesitate to send them in, you may inbox me and if i liked it, i'll dedicate a chapter for you :) I'm trying to dedicate each chapter to someone so you guys should grab the chance to be dedicated. ]






"WHAT? HOW COULD THIS BE?" Cheryl cried, throwing her arms in the air, swinging them around like a mad woman. Everyone was sitting in my room, nobody dared to voice out. 

"Jeez, this is terrible." Cassandra said shaking her head with a suppressed sigh, trying to keep her voice level.

Greyson made no immediate reply. There was a moment's astonished silence. Words failed him. "How many were leaked?" Greyson asked. Exasperated anger and distraught evidence in his voice.

"Three full songs." someone answered. Greyson releasing his album- "She's The One", he had been working on for almost a year in four hours time, but three songs outta the seventeen was leaked but an anonymous source online. What's worse, it's available to be downloaded easily. 

"How could this happen?" Greyson articulated rather breathlessly. 

"Don't feel too sad Grey, i believe your fans won't betray you, they would surely support your authentic music." Michael comforted, injecting as much hope as he could in his voice. 

Cassandra inched towards Greyson, patting his shoulders soothingly. "Remember the time you told me to stand up high and not let anything beat me down in life, now I am returning your advise."

"Yup, keep your spirits up, be prepared to go on your album premiere at Megamall in an hour time!" 

* * * * * * * *

"Put your hands together as we welcome Greyson Chance!" the host's voice boomed, catching eveyone's attention in the mall. 

"Hi everybody." Greyson said, putting on his charming smile on his ever-so-handsome face with Cassandra followed behind with her equally dazzling smile. 

"I'm glad to see such a crowd here today, thank you for all your support, I can't be here without you guys." Greyson stated with sheer gratitude. 

"GREYSON! WE LOVE YOU!" a bunch of teenagers screamed at the top of their lungs at the front row of the crowd, holding their banner written with "ENHANCERS FOR LIFE" up proudly.

"Thank you. I'm glad to see such a crowd here today, thank you for all your coming, I can't be here without you guys. Thanks for supporting my music instead of downloading illegally." Greyson stated with sheer gratitude.

"You know, I was dejected when I found out part of my album was leaked, it was absolutely upsetting, seeing your own hard work being stolen just like that. I had no idea who is behind this but I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to my crew, especially Cassandra, for puling me through this." Greyson said, looking at his crew at the back. A few girls shot envious glare at Cassandra as her name was mentioned. Cassandra shuddered but remained her usual composure. 

 "Not to forget, all my dear fans, my beautiful priceless Enchancers, for tweeting me, telling me that you guys would never listen my music illegally, that you guys would buy my authentic album." he stood up and took a bow, and everyone applauded. 

 * * * * * * * *

=Cassandra POV=

Knock! Knock!

"Oh, it's you." Greyson said, pinching his well defined nose as i walked in his office.

"It's nine o'clock already, why aren't you back yet?" I asked Greyson. Usually, i would either be having a hot date with me or chill with my girlfriends in this hour but now i am stuck in this office just because Greyson hasn't leave and i feel like staying back to just so i won't miss a chance.  

"I still haven't finish dealing with some...stuffs" Greyson muttered, stifling a yawn. Stuffs? I wonder what are "stuffs". 

"You're working over time? Are you gonna pay yourself for working over time?" I joked. Greyson laughed a contagious laugh and i just can't help laughing along. 

"I'm going off somewhere, wanna tag along?" Greyson asked with a lopsided smile that would make every young girl go crazy. 

"Sure." I smiled back as my brain begin running through a thousand possibilities but Greyson's  leaving footsteps jolted me out of my thoughts. 


"Wow, I never knew there's such a place in here!" I whispered in astonish. Greyson lead me to an open attic through a secret door on the top floor. I've been working here for like weeks and i never knew about it. It's beautiful. There's a adjustable shelter, just in case it rains, a few simple hammock.

"Only a few people in the office know about this place but i hadn't bring anyone here yet." Greyson told me. I smiled back without replying. So i'm the first person ever who has been here? I almost squealed but i stopped myself before i could. 

"I come here sometimes." Greyson said after a long silence. "To clear my mind when i face obstacles in life." I nodded, indicating that i am listening but he never said anything after that. 

"It's probably the most comfortable place ever here." I said as i followed Greyson to lie on the hammock. 

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * 

[A/N:  it's been a month since my last update, how time flies, people who are still waiting for this to be updated since one month ago, you guys are beyond amazing and i love you so much. Thanks for your patience! You deserve an award, HAHA. 

Thanks for every single comment/ vote/ fan, you simply have no idea how much each and every one of it mean to me.Can you believe it, i currently own 77 followers, that means 77 people are actually willing to show their care towards my works *sniffs* I am so touched. Thank you so much people, seriously. Continue reading and do share my story with your friends and family if you don't mind doing that. 

I can smile like a retard in front of the computer screen whenever i spot new support towards my story, I admit i'm not much a great writer, in fact, i can tell you very frankly there's a whole lot of better writers here at Wattpad, everyone puts in great effort in publishing every single work here, so do i. 

I'll update when i have another 300 reads / 50 votes / 10 followers okay? Just trying to see if it's worth it. So that's all from me for now. While waiting, you might be interested to check out my other fan fiction? It's called "You & I" :D ]

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