CHAPTER TWO : Bits By Bits

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[ Dedicating this chapter to SunshineDesign for making me such an awesome banner, you can see it on your right. She's brilliant, you guys should check her out as well. Thank again Sunshine Baby ;D so, if anyone of you who are reading this is interested in making covers or banners, or maybe editing stories, you may inbox me, since i'll be needing one anytime. Last but not least, thanks again to SoulessObsession for being such an amazing editor. Without further ado, scroll on and enjoy the next chapter! ;) Hope you'll like it x ]







The majestic ball of fire made its dramatic entrance signalling the start of a brand new day. Clouds moseyed across the cerulean sky. I gave a lazy stretch then prepared for work with a spring in my step. 

Eye liner, mascara? Nope. Strapless top? Nope. Mini skirt? Nope. Jeez, I've wasted three days of my youth; I am not going to waste more. I decided to discard the, 'usual-boy-favourite-hot-and-sexy-look' after failing to attract Greyson's attention for three whole days. Instead, I tried for a sweet and innocent look. I pulled on a simple blouse with a pair of  denim studded skinny jeans, hopping into a pair of mint flats. Go pastel. 

"Morning. Looking good today." the beefy security guard complimented, as usual. I greeted him back politely and went to Greyson's.




I was early, as usual. But i noticed my new personal assistant was early too, she's trying to come earlier then me i think, since she's coming earlier everyday. I kinda miss Stacci to be honest, she is a brilliant woman. This new assistant of mine was kinda weird, i mean, she's acting like those fake barbie, makes me wonder what is wrong with her sometimes. She has a beautiful face, but she put on make-up on it and spoiled it. Not to mention all the ridiculous clothes she wear, and god, her heels that can kill just by looking it. Okay, you may call me conservative, every girl nowadays wear them, and boys love them,  but seriously, i prefer just a shirt with a pair of jeans, and probably sneakers? 

Cassandra sat next to me, as usual but much closer. She leaned against me and i began cleared my throat in a pretty awkward way.  

"Cassandra, um, are you cold?" i asked, inching a little bit away from her, uneasy with the lack of distance between us. 

"Huh?" she seemed to be was taken aback by that remark. "Oh, um, yes, don't you think it's kind of cold?" 

"I didn't switch on the air conditioner," i said, looking up at the air con, puzzled. "Here, maybe you can take my jacket." I said, very gentlemanly like. 

"Thanks." she said, stretching a wide grin across her face as i placed the jacket over her shoulders.

"You're welcome," i replied, continued scribbling on my paper, well, you can't blame me for being such so into my work, once i get inspiration, i just can't get tired of working on it, especially this time, i had this very good feeling about this song that i've never felt before.




"You're welcome," he replied politely and continued scribbling furiously on the paper. Boy, give yourself a break, even if you don't need it, your pencil needs it, poor pencil i thought and inhaled deeply. The smell of his cologne invaded my nostrils. Wow, even his cologne smells unique. He's so nice, but he's too hard to control. He didn't even consider taking any advantage from me. Whoa, wait. Did I say hard? No way! I am Cassandra Evans! There's no such thing as "hard" in my dictionary to get boys. I just hadn't got the right way yet. This is what they call the plight of levelling up.  

Out of the blue, he stopped. "Yes! FINALLY DONE WITH THIS PIECE!" he cheered. I was shocked for a jiffy, then I leaned over to see it. 

"Hey, no, no!" he promptly covered his work.

"Why?" I asked, curiously. "You've been working on it for such a long time, putting so much effort in it. Is it for someone special?"

"Hmm, yes?" he smiled cheekily.

"A girl?" I blurted out. Shoot, is that too obvious to ask? I should insert a filter in my mind next time, I mentally chided myself. 

"A very special one." he smiled. 

Wait, does that mean he has a girlfriend? Okay, maybe not a girlfriend, but maybe someone he likes? A crush? That's a big no-no for me. That'll spoil my plan! I made myself another mental note to make sure I check for any scoops related to the Greyson Girl issue. 

* * * * * * *

Brrr....Brrr.... My phone vibrated on my dressing table. It's a text from Greyson.

'We're going out tomorrow. I want to find some inspiration for my new music. Arrange a few places that we can go for me. Thanks and have a good night sleep.'

Oh, cool, finally! He's not making me sit in the studio with him, looking at him scribbling intensely. That certainly bored me. I guess this is my chance to arrange my plans for my mission, I thought to myself. Yeah, I'm going to find places that benefits my plans.  

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *  

[ A/N : So, so, so, how's this chapter? I'm sorry for not writing a longer one cause I'm not free recently and it's sorta just a filler. Any suggestion where do you think Cassandra should bring Greyson? :) What do you guys think about Greyson's POV, should i continue putting it or not? But of cause, not all the times, or else it will be lack of surprises. I would prefer letting you guys imagine yourself what is on the other character's mind. You guys should tell me what you think, don't just read and leave. I'll upload the next chapter when i get more reads/comments/votes. Thanks x ]

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