Chapter 37 ~ Training

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~George pov~

The elevator stopped at the floor -3 and the door opened. Sapnap, Karl and Wilbur were already there. Dream also mentioned that some other people from jis lower team will join. The ones I haven't meet before.

Dream and Sapnap decided they'll fight in combat because Sapnap is trying to prove that he is stronger. In my opinion Dream is the one that's gonna win.

The rest of the team came just as they started fighting. There were so many new faces and I disliked that. And what also bothered me is that I was the only one sitting.

But I tried to brush off the anxiety and focused myself on Dream's and Sapnap's fight that went on in the fighting ring.

Their noses were bleeding and Sapnap had a big red mark on his right cheek which made him look hilarious. I'm pretty sure Dream is gonna win.

And as I predicted about 5 minutes later Dream swiped the leg under Sapnap and made him fall. Then he threw himself on him and pinned him to the ground. Sapnap looked like he was in pain, but I was just happy Dream won.

"Okay everyone. Enough of fun now, we have to train. Also tomorrow morning at 5am we are meeting downstairs on the stadium for a morning run. Don't be late or you will clean an entire floor." There we some whines and groans but Dream was the only one that had the say in it.

So they started training and I became bored out of my mind. Yeah sure, it was interesting watching professionals fight but it's still boring. So I decided to play some games on my phone.

I probably should study a bit but I'm not feeling like it at the moment. Dream won several times against different people. No one has beaten him, not even once.

Watching them train for the whole 3 hours was really boring and I was happy when it was over because I'll get some alone time with Dream. At least I hope I will. maybe he can help me with some Math or something. I think I'll need a little bit of help.

"We can go back upstairs now." Dream said as he came closer. He wanted to hug me but I backed away. "No! No hugging, you are soaked in sweat." He chuckled and we walked to the elevator.

"What do you want to eat for dinner?" I was asked as we stepped in the elevator and the button with the number of our floor was pushed. I shrugged my shoulders. I'm not really hungry.

"I'm not really hungry. I'm used to having two nuddle cups a day and not 3 whole actual meals." I said quietly leaning back on the elevator wall. "That's why you are so skinny and that is unhealthy. You are gonna try to eat more and I'm gonna be here to help you. Okay?"

I sighed in defeat. "Okay." "So what do you want to eat?" "I don't know. You choose." Dream sighed and we arrived at our floor. We stepped out and I walked in the garden. I needed some fresh air.

"I'll go take a shower and then I'll join you." "Okay." I opened the sliding door to the garden and stepped outside inhaling the freezing cold air fresh air. I wrapped myself in the fluffy blanket we keep outside.

I wasn't feeling the best. I got quite sad when he started talking about how skinny I am. But I don't see myself as skinny. I am quite fat. I mean just look at my stomach. It's huge...

I started crying but quickly stopped as I didn't want Dream to see me like that. He'd think I'm so weak and pathetic. I mean he knows I am weak but no need to add pathetic to that.

"George I'm so sorry! I have to go. There is something I need to take care of immediately!" Dream said as he ran to me. "Okay..." Then he just ran off. Without giving me a kiss or saying that he loves me. Nothing... Like always...

I sighed as I got up again. I walked to the kitchen and took a bottle of water. I opened it and took a few sips. Then I walked back outside. I put the water on the table, layed down on the couch and started scrolling trough Tiktok.

After some time I got bored so I got up and walked inside to get my book. I looked for it everywhere and at the end I found it on a high shelf in the living room. Dream probably put it there.

I sighed as I went to the dinning room to take a chair. I returned and stepped on the chair. I took the book and had to return the chair back to the dinning room.

I walked back outside sitting myself on the comfy couch. I wrapped myself in the blanket again.

I read trough a few more pages until K had to drink some water again. I am really thirsty today. I don't know why and it's irritating me.

I put down a book for some time and scrolled trough Tiktok. I had seen some girl painting and I must say her art is very alluring.

I sighed as I wished I could draw or paint as good as that. I'm really bad at drawing. I yawned as I felt myself getting tired and slightly light headed. I placed down my phone and lied down.

Suddenly I felt an urge to throw up but I passed out before I did...


Word count: 942 words

I hope you liked this chapter and thank you for reading. Vote and comment for more.

I'm sorry I haven't updated for so long. I really have a lot of tests right now like every week. So I'm a bit short on time.

Btw I got 4 (87%) in English today while I got 2 (57%) in Slovenian (my first language) last month.  I'm concerned for myself💀💀💀

And I'm failing Math  ~your future architect😂


See ya💙

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2023 ⏰

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