Chapter 11 ~ Dizziness

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~George pov~

I woke up with pain all over my body and I tensed up. "Good morning sweetheart." I heard Dream's voice. "Morning?" I asked confused and in pain. "Mhm, you slept the whole day."

"Dream..." I asked quietly. "Yes love?" He asked stroking my hair. I didn't even opened my eyes yet. "I'm thirsty...and I'm in pain..." I whined. "Okay, hold on a bit." He said and continue stroking my hair. He called Tubbo and told him to bring me something for pain and some water.

And after a bit I heard the knock on the door and someone came in. I slowly opened my eyes, but my back was turned to the door and I couldn't see if it was Tubbo or someone else. Then Tubbo came in my vision with a small smile on his face.

"Here I brought some water as you said and some antipain medicine." He said giving water bottles to Dream and showing us the injection. I hate needles.

Dream put water bottles on the nightstand and Tubbo came closer to me and gently took my arm. I closed my eyes and snuggled my head in Dream's chest. When Tubbo slid the needle in my  arm and I whimpered. Dream put his hand back in my hair and start stroking them again. Tubbo pulled the needle out of my arm and I let out a shaky breath.

"Later come down so I can check up George's wounds." He said walking to the door. "When later?" Dream asked still stroking my hair. "Around 5pm, is that okay?" Tubbo asked and I heard Dream sigh. "Yeah that would be good." Was Dream's answer and Tubbo left.

"Are you mad on me?" I asked weakly and quietly. "Yeah, I am. You did a big thing behind my back. And you almost died." I felt guilty. I really shouldn't do what I did. But I didn't know it's so dangerous and I only wanted to help...

I sighed and snuggled closer to Dream. I was feeling so dizzy. "Wanna continue watching the series?" Dream asked turning on the TV. I slowly shook my head and soon fell back asleep...

~Dream pov~

I feel like something's wrong with George. I know he just got seriously injuried, but I think it's not only that. I think he doesn't feel good or something. But I won't question him yet.

I went on Netflix and put on a random action movie and turned down the volume not to wake up the sleeping omega in my arms.

When the movie was done I carefully put George down ln the bed and left the room. Yesterday I was told why and how George was dragged to the mission. And also who was involved. Because Sapnap had no part in it I'll have him keep George company and look after him while I work.

I really have to do plans for an upcoming mission. And then I also have to look trough sone papers. The drug deals and stuff.

I stepped out of the elevator at the 4th floor and went looking for Sapnap. I immediately found him in the living room with Karl, Wilbur and Tommy. "Hey Sapnap. Go watch over George." I said and he answered with okay.

I headed back to the elevator and to the 2nd floor. I walked to my office and started working.

~George pov~

I woke up in pain again. I groaned and slowly rolled on my back. And I also felt hot. But why? My heat just stopped a few days ago...

"You're finally awake. I was getting bored already." I heard Sapnap chuckle. I slowly opened my eyes and looked over to the door. Sapnap was leaning on them with a slight smile. "You were so stupid to agree on Wilbur's plan." He said becoming serious. "You could've died."

I felt so dizzy that I could barely see, everything was a blur. And Sapnap's voice... It was so faded...

"Sapnap..." I said quitly trying to reach for him. "What? What is it George?" Sapnap said in more concerning voice. "I...I...feel...dizzy..." I said weakly and slowly blinking.

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