Chapter 14

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Me and Jackson just stared at each other in shock for a few minutes until Jackson started inching his way to the dresser and when his back turned I ran out of the room. I had like two seconds before I heard him shouting behind me and chasing me. I registered some white disks flying at me but dodged them quickly.

Unfortunately One did catch me, I slammed into the sphere that had surrounded me but just bounced off and landed on my butt. Boo. I poked it a few times, it glowed blue and made vibrations like it was supposed to hurt me but I didn't feel a thing.

Soon Jackson caught up with me. He looked shocked as I kept poking the sphere but stayed unharmed. "Wait- aren't you getting shocked?" he asked as he watched me. I tilted my head a bit.

"Shocked as in.....?" I asked.

"Getting electrocuted."

"Yeah no, I don't feel a thing."

"That's impossible, unless." He bit his lip clearly thinking.

"Unless what?" I asked crossing my arms.

"Unless . . . . you're a psionipath." He said and I raised an eyebrow.

"What's that?"

"You can make force fields, the colors vary on its strength, mine are white because it's one of the strongest." He said, he clearly took pride in his force fields the way he was bragging and smirking.

"Ok, but did I ask," I said shutting him up and making him look shocked. I continued, "and force fields. AWESOME!!" I said grinning. He had a questioning face that read 'turn her in or talk to her'. I sat down looking at him expectantly and eventually he sat as well deciding to turn me in later, probably.

"So you really don't know anything about your own ability?"

"Heh, I didn't know I had it." I chuckled. "Hey, can you teach me how to summon one, to see the color?" I asked and he seemed to think before shrugging and showing me how to summon one.

I waved my arms the way he did it and slowly my hands started to glow blue like that time with Verdi. I quickly shut my hand stopping the flow and Jackson looked confused.

"Why'd you stop?"

"Wait- that's supposed to happen?"

"Yeah your first time is really slow so that your body can learn to shove the energy of the force field out, and slowly as you do it more and more they come quicker and quicker. I've been doing mine for years so it comes really fast for me." He said snapping his finger and his hand glowed white. "Now I can do some real damage and get them really big but I'm forcing it to stay small. Hey if you get a strong force field type - which I doubt- you might be able to break the barrier around you." He said clearly insulting me. (Fully made up, not real) Little bitch, I'll show him.

I waved my hands again and the blue light returned, this time I let it be letting it slowly rise and grow into a whiteish blue ball in my hands. I grinned and looked at Jackson only to see him shocked and jaw open.

"B-b-b-" He started stuttering and I smirked.

"What, surprised?"

"Wha- HELL YEAH! Do you know how strong that color is!?!? And here I thought you were just a weak little girl!" He yelled frustrated and an irk mark appeared on my forehead.

"EXCUSE YOU!! WEAK LITTLE GIRL, HOW DARE YOU!!!" I said reaching my hand back and going to punch him. It just so happened to be the one with my first force field in it and it kind of popped? It surrounded my fist and as it crashed against Jackson's own, his shattered and he screamed like a girl before I punched him square in the face.

The Twin Sister (If Sophie had a twin Sister AU)Where stories live. Discover now