Hyunjin felt happy, sad and angry at same time. Happy; because he had kids with the man he loved, the pups he felt undeniably drawn to, turned out to be actually his. Sad; because he missed all their firsts, he missed being with Felix when he was heavy and in need of Hyunjin to be by his side, to hold him and help him through the pregnancy. He was sad because Felix had to go through all those things alone, his kids had to suffer the humiliation and loneliness of not having their Alpha father with them. 

Angry: because Felix hid the truth from him, he didn't know why the Omega did that, but he thought maybe Felix didn't see him as a man capable of being a father to his pups. Felix probably think so lowly of him and it made him mad. Did Felix even try to find him? To tell him he was having Hyunjin's kids?.

It made him so angry because he hadn't been able to meet his pups when they were born, to hold them. To see the product of the love he had for the omega and it's strength and if he regretted something now it’d only be how much he missed everything. He would’ve wanted to see them take their first steps, utter their first words… Be there to teach them things, like to chase butterflies when they crawl, feed them all the sweet stuff, kiss them every single night to sleep and wake them with tickles every morning.  He would’ve loved to be there to see them write their first words and read their first stories. He missed everything and it made him so angry at himself, 

However now he would love to be a part of their life. To see them grow taller and taller every single day, he want to be there for them –even though it wouldn't make up for the time he lost– until they grow and fell in love someday. Watch them do silly things only people in love do and chastise them for being unreasonable when he knew he had done worst.

Had he been given the chance… would he have become a good parent? Would he have ever wronged his children in anyway? What about Felix? Would they have been together until now and really loved each other through thick and thin no matter what?

He took a shaky breath when he felt a small hand tugging his pants. Glancing down, Hyunjin was met with the sight of Jae's concerned gaze, a slight pout on his lips. "Are you okay?" The boy asked and Hyunjin nodded very slowly. 

He didn't even know when he had stood to lean against the wall.

"Why are you crying then?" It was Dae that spoke this time.

Bending to his knees, Hyunjin gather the pups into his arms once again, he buried his nose in Jae's hair as he dropped a kiss to the boy's temple. Turning slightly to do the same to his younger son."I am sorry" he choked out. "I am so... so sorry" 

Jae pulled back to look at the Alpha, he used his tiny thumb to wipe Hyunjin's tears away, shaking his head slightly. "You don't have to apologise" the boy said.

"You don't understand, I have to, I've wronged you in so many ways, I fear you won't be able to forgive me"

"Why is uncle Hyunjin crying? Did something happened?" Dae asked. "What are you sorry for?"

"You don't have to be sorry, I am sure you had your reasons for not being with us D-Daddy" Jae said with a slight reluctance.

Hyunjin's eyes widened, gazing into his son's eyes. "Y-you knew?" He asked but it was barely a whisper.

Jae nodded."But Dae doesn't."

"What don't I know? And why are you calling Uncle Hyunjin your Daddy?" The less smarter boy asked.

"Because he's our Daddy" Jae told his brother.

Dae scrunched up his nose.
"How can he be our Daddy?"

Instead of responding, Jae used his hand to push his brother's face into the crook of Hyunjin's neck. "Take a whiff."

Hyunjin just knelt there, watching his boys.

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